Windows Update problem after installing XP SP2


Stewart Williams

My PC has Windows XP Pro, Norton Internet Security 2004.

Yesterday I installed XP SP2 from a CD and everything seemed to be
fine. I then went onto Windows Update and selected the new High
priority patches for installation. They downloaded fine but
installation hung when Windows Update reported it was 'Initializing
installation'. I had to Ctrl Alt del and close down the Application.
Rebooting followed by a further visit to the Windows Update site
identifies that the updates are already downloaded to my PC (0k left
to download) but the installation problem occurs again. I've tried
disabling NIS but this doesn't seem to help.

I'm looking for inspiration!



Richie NY

Give the service pack a few days to work, also I
recommend defragging a few times, the SP2 installation
disrupts the files greatly across the hard Drive
clusters. Don't install further updates yet. Also check
for spyware and viruses

Joe Billionaire

Just my 2 cents but I'd wait...seems like some people have good results with SP2 and some, like
mois, do broke Office 2003 components and a few XP services. It even broke Windows
Installer so I couldn't use Add/Remove to rollback UNTIL I did a repair from the CD which removed
SP2 and returned everything to normal. :)

Stewart Williams

I subsequently found I had some performance problems after the
installation so I've now uninstalled SP2. I still had to clear out
the SoftwareDownload directory before I could run Windows Update.



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