Windows-Low on Registry Space

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Hello Everyone,

Windows 2000 pro laptop.

This client runs very slow. At logon, an error message

Windows - Low On Registry Space

"Your maximum registry size is too small. To ensure that
windows runs properly, increase your maximum registry
size. For more information, see help."

When I click ok, a "User Environment" dialog box appears.
It says: "Windows cannot load the user's profile but has
logged you on with the default profile for the system.
Detail - insufficient system resources exist to complete
the requested service."

In the Event Viewer, I found:

Application log is filled with many of these errors

Source: Userenv
ID: 1000
The redirector cannot load the user's profile but has
logged you on with the default profile for the system.
Detail - insufficient system resources exist to complete
the requested service.

Source: Userenv
Type: Error
ID: 1000

RegLoadKey failed. Return value Insufficient system
resources exist to complete the requested service for
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\\UserClass.dat.

Source: rasctrs
Type: Error
ID: 2001

The description for Event ID (2001) in source (rasctrs)
cannot be found. The local computer may not have the
necessary registry information or message DLL files to
display messages from a remote computer. The following
information is part of the vent log. The event log file
is corrupt.

Source: PerfNet
Type: Error
ID: 2002

Unable to open the redirector service. Redirector
performance data will not be returned. Error code
returned is in data DWORD 0.

Source: PerfNet
Type: Error
ID: 2004

Unable to open server service. Server performance data
will not be returned. Error code return is in data DWORD

Source: PerfDisk
Type: Error
ID: 1000

Unable to open the Disk performance object. Status code
returned is data DWORD 0.

System log is full with warning like this:

Source: MRxSmb
ID: 3034

the redirector was unable to initialize security context
or query context attributes.

I hope that the above information would help someone to
help me resove it.

Many thanks
Did you start with the obvious and increase the registry size?

To change the maximum size of the computer's registry

After you increase the registry size you can then tackle the other
problems, some of which might magically dissapear with a larger
registry. You might want to read here:

Also, difficult for us to say what is or is not in the registry but you
may benefit and get improved logon time by compacting the registry. Try

Thank you John.

I increased the registry size and the error messages after
the logon disappeared. The event log errors too... But
the system is still so slow.

Many thanks.
There is no single fix to speeding up a W2K system, you will have to see
what is running on the laptop that could slow down the machine. There
are basic things to do to help the machine along.

Do you do basic maintenance once in a while? These things by themselves
will not dramatically increase speed but it doesn't hurt. Do a disk
cleanup, empty your temp folders & temp internet files.

Defragment your drive, badly fragmented drives don't help things. Use
Sysinternals Pagedefrag to defrag your system and page file, if these
system files are badly fragmented it can have a significant degradation
on overall system performance. PageDefrag is available here:

Do compact your registry with Ntregopt as I suggested earlier.

Make sure you have no virus or spyware on your machine.

Check to see what services and processes or applications are set to
start and run automatically when you boot the machine. That might be
the whole problem, many pcs have way too many services and applications
running in the background for nothing, these unnecessary services will
slow down your machine.

Finally, what service pack are you running on? If you are on an older
service pack there might be some issues there depending on the software
and hardware configuration of your laptop. A newer service pack might
have a fix for a specific issue on your machine. Remember that laptops
can be pretty finicky, there might be issues specific to the laptop so
you could check the manufacturer's support site to see if anything
concerning the issue is mentioned there.
