Windows Explorer opens to My Documents on login.



At work, I am using Windows XP Professional on a Gateway
2000. A while back the hard drive died. After the
system admin guys fixed it and restored everything from
the backups, Windows Explorer now opens automatically
when I login. All I do is login and up pops My Documents
in Windows Explorer. Does anyone know how to stop this?
The system admin people here don't know how to fix it and
I can't find anything in the knowledge base. It is a



Hi Scott,
Typically startup programs are found in StartUp folder (usually C:\Documents
and Settings\Default User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup),
So you can check if explorer.exe is present there or the other way could be
go to ->Start/Run/Msconfig and uncheck the program.
Unchecking listings does not remove the entry, it only disables them.


Doug Knox MS-MVP

Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT Go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

In the right pane, locate the Userinit value. It should read:


Including the comma at the end. If not, right click the Userinit value and
select Modify. Make the changes needed. Note: This assumes that XP is
installed on C: and is in the Windows folder. If your system is different,
adjust the command above, accordingly.

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