Windows Explorer Headache!




Whenever I try to open a window that involves Windows Explorer, such
as My Documents, all the Desktop icons disappear for 3-5 seconds and
I'm back on the Desktop again!

In other words, I cannot open a Windows Explorer window.

Any ideas?



I am NOT saying my pc is slow! I'm saying that on requesting a
Windows Explorer window to open, ALL the desktop icons disappear for
3-5 seconds, then I'm returned to the Desktop without a Windows
Explorer window opening (and all the icons are restored).

BTW everything works ok in Safe Mode. Can there be a clue there?
Please help.


Now you're asking questions? I thought you had all the answers!
I stated "may" solve it. In that the OP did not state how much RAM they
are using, it may be one aspect in a myriad of possibilities that could be
the cause. Monitor refresh/response rate is another possibility. If you have
another one, state so. A Google search could have many answers to
troubleshoot in this situation.


Will you two PLEASE stop bitching at each other! HEY I need some help

P.S. There is a P4 1.4Ghz CPU and 256Mb DDR

David Candy

I saved you going out and wasting money. Type clean boot troubleshooting in help while online.

David Candy

I know more than a ****wit like you. This is normally the last thing I would suggest but you post below says that this will find it idiot.

BTW everything works ok in Safe Mode. Can there be a clue there?
Please help.


What the **** are you doing answering questions here?? You ****ing
wanker!!! Where do you live? I'll come round and tear your ****ing
throat out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You answer anymore posts shitbreath and I'll reply to everyone telling
them what a PAEDOPHILE YOU ARE!!!

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