windows 7



I cannot find a windows 7 group. Im hoping that this group will work.
I have a netbook with windows 7. However windows 7 has this silly
feature where if you drag a window off the screen it snaps back to the
frame fo the window so it cant be half on and half off.

Because this is a netbook the screen is not big so I want to drag my
windows off the screen so only half shows up. How can I turn this
feature off so i can have my windows dragged half off the screen.



Stubbo of Oz

I cannot find a windows 7 group.
Snip ....................

Not an MS sponsored groups but this is available:-


There is another one but it does not seem to be active:-

Tim Slattery

steve said:
I cannot find a windows 7 group. Im hoping that this group will work.

Microsoft has not created any Win7 newsgroups in the
microsoft.public.* hierarchy. They want everybody to use the web
forums. You can use the Usenet group alt.windows7.general

R. C. White

Hi, Steve.

My netbook came with the Starter version of Win7. The Starter version is
very limited in several ways, including the User Interface. No Aero, for
example. I didn't find all of Starter's limitations because I soon used the
built-in Upgrade function to install Win7 Ultimate x86. Now, the Snap
function - and the rest of Aero - work just fine. (I also increased the RAM
from 1 GB to 2 GB. I tried Win7 x64, but missing drivers made x64 not work
well, even with the added RAM.)

Which version of Win7 are you running on your Netbook? How much RAM does
your machine have?

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
Windows Live Mail 2009 (14.0.8089.0726) in Win7 Ultimate x64

Stubbo of Oz

Yes there is but there is currently no NNTP Access to it.

alt.windows7.general is available on these servers:-

and probably others that I do not access.

Robb Scott

Not an MS sponsored groups but this is available:-


There is another one but it does not seem to be active:-

I use a couple of pay servers and neither carry "".
If servers don't carry a newsgroup that might be part of the reason a
group isn't particularly active. <gd&r>


Thanks for all your tips..

On the windows 7 groups.

I have looked in the Groups offered by Google for alt.windows7.general
but it is NOT listed. I like to do everything in google because I hate
having all my newsgroups at different web sites ( I have enough of
those) Is it true that I cannot access alt.windows7.general from
within Google ????


I have looked in the Groups offered by Google for
alt.windows7.general but it is NOT listed. I like to do everything
in google because I hate having all my newsgroups at different web
sites ( I have enough of those) Is it true that I cannot access
alt.windows7.general from within Google ????

Yes, that is true. Google does not carry alt.windows7.general.

You could find another nntp server that carries everything you want. A
decent free one is <>. I prefer the
low-cost <>.



I dont really understand this. win7 whether we like it or not is here
to stay and the lack of google friendly news groups seems odd. Perhaps
google and MS are both in cahoots Google doesnt want to support MS and
Ms is quite happy to not support Google. Seems like divorce made in
heaven, accept for us poor end users. thanks for the help though, I
will have to have yet another link to my 50 or more news groups and
favorieites that I use to support soup to nuts.


Gene E. Bloch


I dont really understand this. win7 whether we like it or not is here
to stay and the lack of google friendly news groups seems odd. Perhaps
google and MS are both in cahoots Google doesnt want to support MS and
Ms is quite happy to not support Google. Seems like divorce made in
heaven, accept for us poor end users. thanks for the help though, I
will have to have yet another link to my 50 or more news groups and
favorieites that I use to support soup to nuts.



The newsgroup whose name you clipped from your post is neither from nor by
Microsoft. It is quite new and not all providers carry it. Apparently
Google Groups hasn't found out about it yet.

The conspiracy theory is all in your head.

Get a real newsreader and read the newsgroup directly, following the hints
from Nil.


I dont really understand this. win7 whether we like it or not is
here to stay and the lack of google friendly news groups seems

a) Google is not friendly.

b) What is a "google friendly news group"?
Perhaps google and MS are both in cahoots Google doesnt want to
support MS and Ms is quite happy to not support Google.

thanks for the help though, I will have to have yet another link
to my 50 or more news groups and favorieites that I use to support
soup to nuts.

Are you saying the servers I suggested do not carry the other groups
you want?

Stubbo of Oz

Thanks for all your tips..

On the windows 7 groups.

I have looked in the Groups offered by Google for alt.windows7.general
but it is NOT listed.

Send an emial to:-

(e-mail address removed)

and ask for it to be added - you never know your luck!


The sad truth is that the isp which i have, a huge isp in canada
called rogers stopped providing news feeds. I use to use various news
readers that worked fine. Unfortunetely I cant change at this point.
This is a warning to ask your isp if they have news feeds before you
sign up. Mine did and then stopped providing them. I really dont want
to buy a news feed. Your right google is awkward to use. But I do
find it silly that people often put you down that you use Google. Im
mystified at the predudice against using it. The other issues is that
at time various news providers disapear. At times I have spend hours
trying to find a free provider for some groups or they allow downloads
and not up loads and a variety of other things. Thus you have web
sites devoted to finding news feeds, and when I try them many donte
work. Its a frustrating exercise. Perhaps you all have had better
luck, I bow to your abilities. So I have stuck with google despite its
frustrating interface.
Just my thoughts.


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