Win98 & DVD burner

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Working on an old Win98 computer, I add a new Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D.
[a DVD burner]. The computer recognize this DVD-RW drive correctly, the
device manager seems happy, there is no red/yellow sign. But Nero & NTI
CD copy software never recognize this DVD-RW drive as a DVD burner, only
treats it as a DVD reader. Is it normal for some software do not work
with certain CD/DVD drives?

It seems Win98 is not suitable for handling DVD, is this true? I am
considering to make the machine Win2000. Advice please.
¤jº~¥Á±Ú said:
Working on an old Win98 computer, I add a new Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D.
[a DVD burner]. The computer recognize this DVD-RW drive correctly, the
device manager seems happy, there is no red/yellow sign. But Nero & NTI
CD copy software never recognize this DVD-RW drive as a DVD burner, only
treats it as a DVD reader. Is it normal for some software do not work
with certain CD/DVD drives?

It seems Win98 is not suitable for handling DVD, is this true? I am
considering to make the machine Win2000. Advice please.

Stuttering? The best advice is to try a Win98 newsgroup.
¤jº~¥Á±Ú said:
Working on an old Win98 computer, I add a new Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D.
[a DVD burner]. The computer recognize this DVD-RW drive correctly, the
device manager seems happy, there is no red/yellow sign. But Nero & NTI
CD copy software never recognize this DVD-RW drive as a DVD burner, only
treats it as a DVD reader. Is it normal for some software do not work
with certain CD/DVD drives?

It seems Win98 is not suitable for handling DVD, is this true? I am
considering to make the machine Win2000. Advice please.

You did not give enough information about your computer hardwares except
that it is an "Old" Win98 computer.

From that tiny information you gave us, I will make an extrapolation of your
existing computer hardware:

Your microprocessor is still 16 bit and you are trying to run modern
hardwares and softwares on it. These modern hardwares and softwares are
optimized to run with a 32 bit microprocessor. Your BIOS and your chipset,
very likely, do not support these modern hardwares and your motherboard
maker does not support your computer anymore.

Based on my experience, you will need at least 2 gig hz or the equivalent
2000+ quantispeed microprocessor to run a DVD player. You will need also
more than 520 mb of memory to run those modern players to avoid memory
overflow. You will be imposed to install the latest Internet Explorer 6 to
make those modern softwares to work properly.

Making your "Old" Win98 computer a Win2000 Pro will not solve your problem,
it will just aggrevate it. I suggest that you leave that "old clunker"
alone, and restore its original configuration and preserve it for the future
generation to see. Hey! You will never know that someday that "Old Win98"
computer could be worth something . . . but do not have high expectation
that the Smithsonian Institute will be interested in obtaining it.

To summarize what I wrote, I am trying to tell you that you should get a new
computer so that you will enjoy the magic of these new hardwares and

Working on an old Win98 computer, I add a new Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D.
[a DVD burner]. The computer recognize this DVD-RW drive correctly, the
device manager seems happy, there is no red/yellow sign. But Nero & NTI
CD copy software never recognize this DVD-RW drive as a DVD burner, only
treats it as a DVD reader. Is it normal for some software do not work
with certain CD/DVD drives?

It seems Win98 is not suitable for handling DVD, is this true? I am
considering to make the machine Win2000. Advice please.

As you've already been told, as in a win98 group. This is not related
to XP.