Win XP SP2 - Maxtor External 160GB Hardrive Problems



I recently upgrated WIN XP PRO to SP2. Everything
seemed to work fine until yesterday.

Now when the Maxtor is connected to the USB 2.0 /Firewire
board the MY COMPUTER screen freezes and the device never
appears. When I disconnect the USB cable the drive
flashes on the screen briefly. The computer is freed

Problem exists on my lap top also with XP Pro and SP2.

I have removed SP2 but still the problem exists.

When I reconnect the USB cable XP recognises the drive
and re-installs the drivers.......everything appears to
be fine.

I have also tried re-seating the USD 2.0/Firewire card.
And I have re-installed XP.....still having probems...

Any ideas.....

Nathan McNulty

This may be due to the drivers for your chipset (motherboard drivers).
I have had this happen to me when I used the original drivers for my
motherboard (from the CD) instead of the latest ones from Intel's
website (chipset maker for my motherboard). I would check there first.



Thanks for the post. I already updated the BIOS to the
latest for my Dell XPS T550. I re-did this after having
removed SP2 from Add/Remove programs in Control Panel.

Unfortunately, This didn't resolve the problem.

When using the DIsk Management tool, the drive does not
show up here, even when unplugging the power and re-
connecting. Eventhough the drive appears in the Device

I tried plugging the drive into USB 1.0 and I get the
usual message that a USB 2.0 device is plugged into a non
high speed hub.

My USB mouse works correctly when plugged into USB 1.0 or
2.0......So I am at a complete loss.

Any further ideas....much appreciated



Nathan McNulty

Try this:

Remove the device from Device Manager by right clicking on it, then
uninstall it, then remove the device from the computer (physically).
Now open Registry Editior (Start-Run-regedit). Navigate to
HKLM\System\CCS\Enum\USB. Open each of the folders until you find the
one that contains info on your external USB HD. Right click on the
folder that starts with Vid_Xxxx that contains the info about your HD,
click Permission and allow full control. Then right click and delete
the folder. Now reboot, then plug the device back in. Hope that works
for ya, cause if it doesn't, you may need to do a clean install of
Windows or something else.

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