Win 7upgrade question



I am interested in upgrading my xp to Windows 7. My current machine
was upgraded from win 95 to XP using a retail XP upgrade version disk.
Can I use a Win 7 upgrade version to update this system? All disks are
legal and I have the orginal keys. I know that a clean install will be

SC Tom

I am interested in upgrading my xp to Windows 7. My current machine
was upgraded from win 95 to XP using a retail XP upgrade version disk.
Can I use a Win 7 upgrade version to update this system? All disks are
legal and I have the orginal keys. I know that a clean install will be

Yes, you can. To quote the side of the Win7 Home Premium upgrade box, "All editions of Windows XP and Windows Vista
qualify you to upgrade."


I am interested in upgrading my xp to Windows 7. My current
machine was upgraded from win 95 to XP using a retail XP upgrade
version disk. Can I use a Win 7 upgrade version to update this
system? All disks are legal and I have the orginal keys. I know
that a clean install will be needed.

Yes re. the OS - it will qualify for an upgrade. But you would be wise
to research all the hardware devices in/and peripheral to the computer
to make sure they are compatible with and/or have drivers available for
Windows 7. A Win95-vintage computer may have some components that have
been left in the dust by Microsoft and the hardware vendors.
Motherboards, printers, and scanners are especially vulnerable.


I am interested in upgrading my xp to Windows 7. My current machine
was upgraded from win 95 to XP using a retail XP upgrade version disk.
Can I use a Win 7 upgrade version to update this system? All disks are
legal and I have the orginal keys. I know that a clean install will be

Actually, you HAVE to do a clean install with the win7 upgrade disks.
The "upgrade" is for vista to win7, whereas a winxp requires a "clean"
install since m$ changed some stuff like the boot process/manager.
The win7 upgrade cdrom has all the needed stuff to do a clean install;
actually, I did several clean installs with the win7 upgrade cdrom.
There is also available an app that will slipstream the win7 sp1
with the win7 you won't have to reinstall sp1 if you need to
reinstall win7.

I went from winxp to win7 with the win7 upgrade, student version which
really is the same as the retail except for pricing. The one thing is
to be concerned about is the c: partition as to whether it has enough
space. The win7 install saves winxp windows folder & possibly the
microsoft programs in the "program files"; don't remember, but I did
deleted the saved stuff afterwards. The saving of stuff is only if you
do a "clean" install or a "real clean install" as in reformat of the
partition &/or drive.

Anyway, I went from the winxp 32-bit to win7 64-bit, just because &
to match the linux 64-bit.

Loren Pechtel

Yes re. the OS - it will qualify for an upgrade. But you would be wise
to research all the hardware devices in/and peripheral to the computer
to make sure they are compatible with and/or have drivers available for
Windows 7. A Win95-vintage computer may have some components that have
been left in the dust by Microsoft and the hardware vendors.
Motherboards, printers, and scanners are especially vulnerable.

And there's also the issue of whether a 95-vintage machine has the
horsepower for 7.


Thank you for the thoughtful replies. The hardware has been upgrade
over the years. The only issue is my scanner and some old games. By
the time I am done, one machine have up to date hardware. The other
will be similar to a three year old maching. Both will have 3-5 year
old graphic cards.

I am also looking at having one machine with a dual boot to allow my
the opyion to run older games. I also might just wait for windows 8
but I wonder it would allow updating from XP.

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