Win 7 - administrator right


Alan T

I tried to install a windows service by
c:\temp\mysampleservice.exe /install

however, it said I don't have permission.
Access denied.

How do I do that?
I was using XP on my laptop then upgraded to Win 7 home premium.

Shenan Stanley

Alan said:
I tried to install a windows service by
c:\temp\mysampleservice.exe /install

however, it said I don't have permission.
Access denied.

How do I do that?
I was using XP on my laptop then upgraded to Win 7 home premium.

Run the command prompt window *as administrator*... Keywords there "run as".

Man T

Run the command prompt window *as administrator*... Keywords there "run

You mean right click cmd.exe from Windows Explorer?

I don't know the administrator password.


Good grief, what a minefield of stuff in there :)
I tried to add a couple of shortcuts to the "Start Menu Programs from
within Windows Explorer, Like I could with WinXP and got "Access denied"
Browsed around Help with "Administrator" "Access" "permissions" and came
away more confused.
Windows7 is beginning to brown me off with it's ("over protective, you
can't do that")

Alan T

You mean right click cmd.exe from Windows Explorer?
Ask the administrator.


That's my personal laptop. Just upgraded from XP to Win7 Home Premium.
Is that blank password?


Thanks, however I will have to slowly absorb them.
I do not "logon" and have not did anything to become an "administrator."

Still confused for "Access denied, see your administrator" message.

Shenan Stanley

Sunny said:
Thanks, however I will have to slowly absorb them.
I do not "logon" and have not did anything to become an
Still confused for "Access denied, see your administrator" message.

A little simple explanation...

You 'do not logon' because someone set up the computer like that. You are
the 'only visible account' OR it has been setup to automatically log you in.

Click on the "Start" button (round ball - bottom left) and then click on the
arrow pointing right next to the words "Shut down" to find the "Log Off"
selection and click on it. That should log you off - so yes - you log on -
you just didn't know you did.

Windows has been - for a long time - a multi-user operating system - no
matter how many actual physical users there are. Just the way it is.

All you need to do in order to accomplish your original problem is to run
the command prompt application as Administrator (right-click, run as
administrator) and then use that command prompt. You may need to know the
administrator username/password - but you may not. All depends on the
edition of Windows 7 and how it was setup.

It may be beyond you now - but you should use Google and just search for the
stuff you have been told to do...


Shenan Stanley said:
A little simple explanation...

You 'do not logon' because someone set up the computer like that. You
are the 'only visible account' OR it has been setup to automatically log
you in.

I set the computer up, and all I do is hit the power button (netbook) and
Win7 starts.
To close down I select the start button and "shutdown"
No passwords are involved.
(I use the "classic" view so my "round ball" is the old "start button"
Fact is I have never used "log off" since 1995 through all Windows OS.
Click on the "Start" button (round ball - bottom left) and then click on
the arrow pointing right next to the words "Shut down" to find the "Log
Off" selection and click on it. That should log you off - so yes - you
log on - you just didn't know you did.

Windows has been - for a long time - a multi-user operating system - no
matter how many actual physical users there are. Just the way it is.

All you need to do in order to accomplish your original problem is to
run the command prompt application as Administrator (right-click, run as
administrator) and then use that command prompt. You may need to know
the administrator username/password - but you may not. All depends on
the edition of Windows 7 and how it was setup.

Looks like I will have to read some more, as I have never appointed an
"Administrator" or used a password.
(exept for my WiFi Router access to my LAN)



That's my personal laptop. Just upgraded from XP to Win7 Home Premium.
Is that blank password?

It's the password YOU set when you installed Windows 7. If you didn't set
any, there's no PW.



Thanks again, May have found the answer in there ?
"Just type UAC into the start menu or Control Panel search box.
You will see “Change User Account Control Settings”.

You can simply drag the slider up or down, depending on how often you want
to be alerted."

Will changing the UAC allow me to access files without "Access denied" ?

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