Why Is Some of My Switchboard Information Not Showing Up?


Krystle Hampton

I'm creating a Switchboard Page because I feel it's easier for others to
navigate through. There's a lot of information that I'm working with. The
first time I created a switchboard, it wasnt' what I wanted. When I went in
to edit the page, I later found out that my new information didn't appear in
form view. I read in the MS Office Help tool that after exiting the
Switchboard Page once, any adjustments to it may not show. Is this true?
After becoming quite disgusted, I just deleted my Switchboard Info. and
started over thinking that would help - it didn't. Please help. I have too
much information to type to start over once again.
Any tips or suggestions?
Although this is giving me a headache, I still think the switchboard is best
for the other users.


If you are talking about making changes to the Switchboard form in design
view, you need to be very careful. Better to use the Switchboard manager tool
to make the buttons work. Speaking of which, the Switchboard form actually
works in conjunction with the Switchboard Item table. If you want to start
over from scratch, also delete this table.


I wish I could be of help, but unfortunately I don't have any answers.
I've probably created three databases using switchboards for the users.
I love them! I have never had this problem using either Microsoft
Access 2000 or 2002. Wish I could help -

I came online though to post a question because we're finding
disappearing queries. Different subject.... sigh.

Michelle Boggs
(e-mail address removed)

Larry Linson

Create your own Switchboard, using unbound Forms with Command Buttons --
it's simpler and easier than working with the Switchboard Manager (which, as
you have determined, has to be the only way you work to create/edit the
Switchboards or you can have big trouble). I still don't understand why the
Access developers opted for a complex solution to such a simple problem.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


I use switchboard quite a bit. Bear in mind that a switchboard can only show
you eight (8) items.

A good rule is to make sure that you create multiple switchboards.
For instance, The main switchboard might contain an item for Forms, another
for Internal Reports, another for External Reports, and Other information.

When you click on the "Forms" item it actually opens up another switchboard,
and there your first item should be defined as "Return to Main Switchboard",
then the next seven items can be for individual forms .

When you click on "Internal Reports" item it opens up another switchboard,
and there again place the "Return to Main" item first,
then the next seven items can be for individual reports.

When you click on "External Reports" item it opens up another switchboard,
and there again place the "Return to Main" item first,
then the next seven items can be for individual reports.

I think you see where I am going with this. And, yes you are correct
adjustments may not show, however, if you close the form then reopen they
will be there, or if you have added the "Return to Main" item, you can just
change from one switchboard to the other, and the display will update.

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