Who else is happy about Vista?



I've been using Windows Vista since the very first day it became available
and have nothing but praise for this new operating system. Not in my wildest
dreams I see myself going back to XP, so I fail to see why other people are
complaining about this OS. Could it be that those at trouble are using
pirated copies?

I am forced to keep XP for the hardware and software that Vista will
not run. Microsoft did a rather poor job of "backward compatibility"
and I warn users that have important (legacy) hardware/software to
stick with XP until drivers become available. Some have legitimate
copies of Vista, yet get "false positive" alerts--and that can be
annoying. For those using a pirated Vista license, most know how to
easily get around this issue.
Of course things are somewhat different than used to be with XP and there
are some missing parts (like a SMTP server), but overall the system works.
Could you please tell me what are the best features you like about Vista?

Cool graphics, improved search, and I have a somewhat "New is Good"
mentality. I think Vista may have improved security, but I'm still
not completely sold on this. Backups are still necessary.


Phisherman said:
I am forced to keep XP for the hardware and software that Vista will
not run. Microsoft did a rather poor job of "backward compatibility"
and I warn users that have important (legacy) hardware/software to
stick with XP until drivers become available. Some have legitimate
copies of Vista, yet get "false positive" alerts--and that can be
annoying. For those using a pirated Vista license, most know how to
easily get around this issue.

Cool graphics, improved search, and I have a somewhat "New is Good"
mentality. I think Vista may have improved security, but I'm still
not completely sold on this. Backups are still necessary.

In the Windoze world, "improved" is relative. Supposedly Vista is more
secure than XP. But, it isn't nearly as secure as Linux is or OSX. One
harmful virus getting through is enough to ruin your day and possibly force
a complete reinstall of the OS with the possibility of more than just a
ruined day.


What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:


Well... Thank you all for you response. It took me a while to follow the
thread as sometimes it seemed as if I was reading something taken from the
"Let's bash Vista" or "Linux Evangelizer" groups. Don't take me wrong, but I
couldn't care less if Linux is a trendy OS or even know why some of the
posters say its way better than Vista... I have a few computers at home with
assorted brands of different operating systems and with a couple of
keystrokes I can change between them to do what I have to do, and I can say
this: I DON'T LIKE LINUX! But I do like Windows Vista and see no reason to
change until the newest release of the next generation OS is scheduled to be
available in a couple of years (or more).
Is Vista costly? No, is a piece of software well engineered that is worth
every penny it costed me to acquiere a licence. Are there other cheaper OS
in the market? Of course, but who cares? Ultimately, you get what you pay
for... So, no, I'm not planning to use Linux for real job any time soon; I
take it as the PS3 my kids play with: they're fun (just as Linux is) but not
stable enough to do some serious work. Am I a loser for not using some piece
of freeware? Maybe, but at least using Vista (and other Microsoft products)
allows me to buy my own licences of software instead of using half-cooked
software endorsed with a GNU licence.

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