Who else is happy about Vista?



Jan said:
How original. And just as cleaver as you can manage isn't it?

You must be related to thetruthhurts cause you're as dumb and stupid as
he is...LOL!


And what is so bad about it? Of course for as*sholes who cannot even manage
Vista that is a bad news. For the rest of us it is a new excitement.

You, scummy skunks, used to whine that Vista was bad and MS began Vienna in
order to cover it up. Now it seems you are so afraid of anything new that
even hateful Vista became palatable. You must have missed your meds and your
memory is affected.


I don't even understand why we take the time to explain all this to this
computer illiterate moron called frank....
Sorry. You're absolutely right. Trying to teach Frank anything about
computers is about as futile as trying to teach an earthworm to juggle. I
will stop now.


Vista will make you speechless!

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:


alexB said:
It is all a bunch of lie. I will present proof later that he is lying. In
fact Linux people stole many things from MS.
We'll wait for your proof. But hurry up for Christ's sake. We haven't got
more than this lifetime to wait.


Vista will make you speechless!

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:


alexB said:
The quote below is from the web ste called: Bug # 1 in Ubuntu. You can
find it easily. It is on line 1489 (out of 7208). It is a huge file.

"These are maybe things that a Linux expert could fix easily, but hey, you
want a regular user to love a OS that doesn't help him very much.
"I've seen 8 yrs old kids installing Windows XP themselves, including
printer, video, etc. just because it's all very easy to setup.

What a bunch of bullshit. 99% of the Wintards around here couldn't install
Vista by themselves. They use it because it came preloaded on their
computers they bought at BestBuy.
Want them
to swithc to a OS that has almost no games and it's a real adventure to
configure? I think THIS is Linux's biggest bug - wasn't build for users
who want a computer help do their job, but for people who accept to be
computer's slaves."
Slaves are those beholden to Big Brother. Linux users are free.
The guys name is DarthMaul38.

He also wrote this:
This 'bug' you're talking about is 'by design', if I can say that. I
studied IT on 286 computers with DOS on them, then Windows. I tried to
switch to Linux many times, but every distribution comes with at least one
obvious problem that's very hard to solve by a beginner. Let me give you
just a few examples:
- Mandrake 8, 9 and 10: none of them was able to recognize properly my
Lucent Winmodem

Winmodems are toy modems not real modems. They rely on Windoze - hence
they're called Winmodems - to do the work that would be done otherwise by
real hardware modems. OK, I've taught you enough about computers for today,
AlexB. Don't want to overload your feeble brain.
(the only Winmodem officially supported in Linux) - never
fixed even by people with experience in Linux
- Redhat (cant remember version) failed to work with USB devices 5 years
after USB was implemented in Windows 98

- Ubuntu - cannot use my HP PSC multifunction printer, Midnight commander
still shows crap in console mode

Works fine here.
- Freebsd - most user unfriendly OS
FreeBSD isn't Linux you Wintard.


Vista will make you speechless!

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:


And what is so bad about it? Of course for as*sholes who cannot even manage
Vista that is a bad news. For the rest of us it is a new excitement.

You, scummy skunks, used to whine that Vista was bad and MS began Vienna in
order to cover it up. Now it seems you are so afraid of anything new that
even hateful Vista became palatable. You must have missed your meds and your
memory is affected.

Well maybe someone else will come out with a good OS then. I have

Frank's Momma

The multitasking in Vista is much more efficient with tasks running that
would bring XP to its knees. The scheduling of tasks and events is much
simpler and more reliable. The Media Center experience as served up to an
Xbox 360 acting as an extender with HDTV recording is unmatched in the home
media universe. Better, much better than it was in XP. Slide show photos in
full high definition just makes XP look like kiddy show. The differences at
first were daunting, but learning them was pure joy. I happen to like change
just for change sake; couple that with change that carried improvements and
I am a happy man. I love Vista.

Learning them was pure joy? Are you into BDSM per chance?


You must be related to thetruthhurts cause you're as dumb and stupid as
he is...LOL!

why is that funny? is there something about being a third generation
inbred village idiot that makes it so?


How much longer are you going to be deluding yourself into believing you
actually know what you're talking about...?
All of us in this ng have figured out months ago that you where a
demented, delusional big mouth know nothing full of misinformation and

well? you are senorvillage idiot for starters.

Ashton Crusher

I've been using Windows Vista since the very first day it became available
and have nothing but praise for this new operating system. Not in my wildest
dreams I see myself going back to XP, so I fail to see why other people are
complaining about this OS. Could it be that those at trouble are using
pirated copies?
Of course things are somewhat different than used to be with XP and there
are some missing parts (like a SMTP server), but overall the system works.
Could you please tell me what are the best features you like about Vista?

I've had it on two machines. The first had a ECS low dollar
motherboard with a 1.8 GHz Dual Core Intell Chip and high dollar ATI
256K graphics card. It started with a bare bones XP install that was
then upgraded to Vista. It also had a not-really-vista-compatible
analog tv tuner card in it. It got all 5's on the Vista Experience
ratings. But it ran very poorly in actual use. It was very
frustrating to use. I gave up on it when I found a bundled HP with
24" LCD at Costco at a super price. That computer has a Dual Core
2.13 and uses an ASUS motherboard. It has a relatively low cost nVida
Graphics card, 256K. It gets all 5's except for the graphics
subsystem which scores 3.something. But in actual use it performs
flawlessly and very fast. The only problem, and I had the same
problem with the first machine, is that after the first round of
"updates" from MS the sleep mode no longer works properly. It worked
fine (on both machines) until one of the "updates" screwed things up.
Since it happened on both machines I'm pretty sure it's a Vista Issue.
I see absolutely no reason to go back to XP.


OK, TruthHurts, you are becoming what you really are, an empty shell of a
mindless troll drooling the same two sentence putdown again and again.

It is what left-wing ideology is all about. You can't even appreciate how
miserable you all look to outsiders.

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