Using Combo Box selections to automatically populate fields



I have a form for data entry, and then I'm basically copying this form and
re-tooling it for editing and reviewing. I would like for the user to be
able to select pond name and then date sampled (or vice versa). The pond
name is to be selected from a combo box. As for the date, I'm not sure
what's the best way to approach this. Put the date in a combo box, too?
There's another database I currently use (made by someone else) that has a
calendar pop up and you can select the date and it automatically enters it
into the field. I like this... But I don't know how to create this calendar
pop up where each day is selectable... and then how do I get it to all work
and automatically populate the rest of the fields in the form and its
associated subforms???

If both pond and date fields are combo boxes, how do I get the first combo
box to limit the choices in the second combo box? If just the pond name is
in a combo box, I'd still like to know how to limit choices in a second combo
box because I might need that later! :)

Is there a MS Access tutorial on this somewhere?

Your guidance is greatly appreciated!



Great! Thank you, I'll take a look!

It's always good to get the terminology. It's complicated when one doesn't
know the terminology, it can get quite wordy in Google searches! "how to
make a selection of a combo box limit the next combo box" "combo box
selections" "how to make fields fill in" You get the gist! :)


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