Self-Populating Combo Box




I working with a existing database, trying to modify a form. The form is
used to enter time worked on a project. You select a name, project, issue and
what tasked you performed for the project, then you select the date and hours
worked. It's submitted it appears in a List Box present on the form. My issue
is, I want to link the issue and task so when an issue is selected, the task
is automatically selected for you, since it won't change. I've bound the 2
combo boxes together, but when you try to submit it, I get, "You cannot add
or change a record because a related record is required in table 'tblTasks'".
There are only 5 tables for the database.

tblProject(ProjectID, ProjecName, ProjectActive)
tblTask(TaskID, TaskDesc, TaskActive, ProjectID)
tblTime(TimeEntryID, TaskID, TaskDesc, Issue, Hours, Date, Notes, DrawerID)
tblIssue(IssueID, Issue, ProjectID, TaskID)
tblDrawer(DrawerID, FName, LName, Active)

The form has 4 combo boxes, two text boxes, and a List Box. Combo boxes are
for Drawer, Project, Issue, Task. Text boxes for Hours and Date. How can I
get this to work correctly.

Any help is really appreciated. Thanks!

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