Unable to send e-mail


Bernice Day

The connection to the server has failed. Subject ' Mayan Riviera on Dec.
2nd', Account: 'shawmail', Server: 'pop.shaw.ca', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I am using a laptop and connected to a wireless router attached to another's
computer. I am able to use the Internet and receive e-mails. Any

Thank you


Bernice Day said:
The connection to the server has failed. Subject ' Mayan Riviera on Dec.
2nd', Account: 'shawmail', Server: 'pop.shaw.ca', Protocol: SMTP, Port:
25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I am using a laptop and connected to a wireless router attached to
another's computer. I am able to use the Internet and receive e-mails.
Any suggestions?

Thank you

Use the SMTP server name of the 'another's PC', in to your account.

On another's PC, Tools>accounts>select another's account>server tab>copy the
SMTP server name.

On your PC>Same path>paste another's SMTP server name.

Remember your Original SMTP server, so that you can change it back when you
are connecting at home.

Gary VanderMolen

What you experienced is normal. As a general rule, the owner of
the SMTP server must be the same as the one providing your Internet
connection at that moment. For more on this see

The available workarounds when sending away from home are as follows:

1. Use webmail for sending (via your browser).
2. Ask your home ISP if they have a port other than '25' for SMTP.
3. If you use the same away-from-home connection frequently, substitute
the SMTP server belonging to that connection. This is a bit tricky, but if you
want to go that route, I can provide more details.
4. If you frequently send from multiple locations, get a free Gmail account,
configure it for POP access, and use it for your sending chores.
Gmail uses port 465 for SMTP, which is not blocked like port 25 is.

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