Unable to make design changes in .adp connected to SQL server 2008

  • Thread starter Thread starter NancyM
  • Start date Start date


I am using MS Access 2007 to create an access project, .adp, and conect it to
a SQL Server 2008 Express database. Each adp I create displays that it is in
the 2002 - 2003 file format.
How do I create a project in the 2007 file format?
Have I missed a default setting when I installed Access 2007? All new
databases are created in 2007 format.
When I try to create a Stored Procedure in the adp, I received the following
error: The version of MS Access does not support design changes with the
version of SQL server to which your Access project is connected.
What version of SQL server express is fully compatible with Access projects
in the 2002 - 2003 file format?
Thank you for any help. I am new to access projects.
The default file format can be set in the Access options.

I haven't tried using Access 2007 to make design changes in a SQL 2008 db,
but not being able to do that would be consistent with past behavior. Access
has always been limited to making design changes in SQL versions that
existed at the time of the Access version release. Access 2007 therefore can
probably not make design changes past SQL 2005. Service packs have never
previously extended this limitation. You can use the SQL Management Studio,
or the express version, to manage the SQL Server.