Unable to copy home video



I am using Nero Vision Express to capture a home movie from my Panasonic mini
DV to my Micro Advantage DVD burner.
When it says it is completed I put the DVD+RW into my DV drive and it always
says that there is no DVD in the drive. I would think I could at least
explore it to see what files were burnt on, as there is something on it.
Do I need to format the DVD+RW before I burn onto it or are there other
issues I am missing as I am brand new to this?
Thanks for you help!!

Mike Fields

clint said:
I am using Nero Vision Express to capture a home movie from my Panasonic mini
DV to my Micro Advantage DVD burner.
When it says it is completed I put the DVD+RW into my DV drive and it always
says that there is no DVD in the drive. I would think I could at least
explore it to see what files were burnt on, as there is something on it.
Do I need to format the DVD+RW before I burn onto it or are there other
issues I am missing as I am brand new to this?
Thanks for you help!!

Not having experience with exactly which hardware you
have, be aware that most (I know some will play *anything*)
DVD players expect to see a normal formt DVD which is
several specific folders with specific names and order on the
disk with the video encoded to mpeg2 and the audio
either as LPCM or AC3 dolby (for NTSC anyway). The
straight DV format from the camera is usually not readable
by the DVD player. There are lots of ways to get there.
Go over to the rec.video.desktop newsgroup and snoop
around there for lots of good information. Also check out
http://www.videohelp.com/ for enough to keep you busy
for the rest of the day ;-)


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