Windows xp Pro (SP-3 and all updates applied)
Dell Inspiron B130 Celeron 1.5 GHz w/ Samsung SN-S082D CD/DVD-RW
Nero 7
How can I reset xp to use DMA for the drive?
Previously, Nero burned at the true rate (8x) now, even though Nero says it
will use 8x it is actually 1.2x Obviously, 53-minutes to burn a data or
video DVD is crap.
IDE controller Advanced Tab......
Device 0 says Ultra DMA Mode 5
Device 1 says DMA * if available* (current mode - PIO Mode)
Dell Inspiron B130 Celeron 1.5 GHz w/ Samsung SN-S082D CD/DVD-RW
Nero 7
How can I reset xp to use DMA for the drive?
Previously, Nero burned at the true rate (8x) now, even though Nero says it
will use 8x it is actually 1.2x Obviously, 53-minutes to burn a data or
video DVD is crap.
IDE controller Advanced Tab......
Device 0 says Ultra DMA Mode 5
Device 1 says DMA * if available* (current mode - PIO Mode)