typing address in browser..must add http://



Whenever I type an address into ie, I must add http:// in front of the www.
whatever .com All I used to have to type was www. whateever. com (I am
adding spaces as I type so they don't look like real links).

This is not a huge problem, just an irritating one. I have looked all
around, and cannot find anything addressing this issue.

Thanks for your help. Dana


You can just enter the keyword and then hold down the ctrl key and hit
enter. To go to http://www.abc.com just enter abc into the address bar and
hold down the ctrl key and hit enter.

Whenever I type an address into ie, I must add http:// in front of the www.
whatever .com All I used to have to type was www. whateever. com (I am
adding spaces as I type so they don't look like real links).

This is not a huge problem, just an irritating one. I have looked all
around, and cannot find anything addressing this issue.

Thanks for your help. Dana

PA Bear

Use this registry fix:


After downloading, right-click and merge.

Then, spend some time reading...

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

Are You Ready for WinXP SP2?

What You Should Know About Spyware

AumHa Forums


Thank you so much, PA bear! That registry fix did the trick. I am also
adding those links to my "must read" list. I am always seeking more
knowledge :)

thanks again, <^,,^> katz840 prrrrrrrrrrr

PA Bear

YW, katz.
Thank you so much, PA bear! That registry fix did the trick. I am also
adding those links to my "must read" list. I am always seeking more
knowledge :)

thanks again, <^,,^> katz840 prrrrrrrrrrr

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