Turn Window's Security Alert Off?


Greg Strong

Hello All,

Is there any way to turn off the pop up Window's security alerts?

No I don't want to use MS's firewall. It causes problems with my network
printer, so the pop ups and warnings are a PITA! Your help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks!


Greg said:
Hello All,

Is there any way to turn off the pop up Window's security alerts?

No I don't want to use MS's firewall. It causes problems with my
network printer, so the pop ups and warnings are a PITA! Your help
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

And you are not using any firewall at all? Sorry, but if you are
willing to take that risk, and potentially add another Zombie on the
net, spamming and slowing it down, then you can just find out how to
turn off the nagging Security Center yourself.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


S.Sengupta said:

You really need to understand what people are really asking before
giving them answers sometimes. On a few other occasions, you have given
answers to people that are trying to get around security that will end
up being a PITA for the rest of the net, or their work networks.

As much as I dislike being nagged by programs, the nags about security
are there for a good reason. And if this guy is willing to use his
computer totally open to the net, because he is too ignorant to get the
Windows Firewall working, and can't figure out how to turn off the
Security Center nags on his own, he is just the kind of moron that needs
to be nagged to death about security, not for his sake, but for the rest
of us.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 21:22:34 -0400, "kurttrail"

|he is just the kind of moron that needs
|to be nagged to death about security, not for his sake, but for the rest
|of us.
Specifically how is his lack of security going to
effect me??
Berating people detracts from ur arguement, reflects
badly on ur character, & is NOT in the spitit of this

Just my 2¢ worth. Larry
Any advise is my attempt to contribute more than I have received but I can only assure you that it works on my PC. GOOD LUCK.

Richard Urban

How is someone else's unsecured computer going to affect you?

Did you ever hear of zombie networks, groups of tens of thousands of
"unsecured" computers that have been hijacked, and are now spewing out all
of the virus's and adware YOU receive on a daily basis?

Granted, maybe your computer is immune to this because you are protected -
but what about the additional thousands of unprotected computers that are
compromised on a daily basis?

If a person can't, or won't secure his computer, and keep it secure, they
should be kicked off the internet by their service provider - period!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


I do feel your concern regarding security.
I haven't commented or suggested anything to turn off default windows
firewall but only regarding 'Change the way Security Center alerts me'as
suggested in the KB article..He hasn't mentioned whether he would use
any third party firewall or not.Hope he will understand the security
things and take action accordingly.

Understanding Windows Firewall

Making File and Printer Sharing Safer in Windows XP Service Pack 2

ssg MS-MVP

Greg Strong

As much as I dislike being nagged by programs, the nags about security
are there for a good reason. And if this guy is willing to use his
computer totally open to the net, because he is too ignorant to get the
Windows Firewall working, and can't figure out how to turn off the
Security Center nags on his own, he is just the kind of moron that needs
to be nagged to death about security, not for his sake, but for the rest
of us.

Well what can I say. I've had a NAT router for over 2 years. I've had a
personal firewall on my home PC for about 5 years. I have had anti-trojan
software on my home PC for over 3 years. BTW this was even before MS
recognized the importance of security. Please define open.

Richard Urban

You have all of this and can't turn of an alert?


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Greg Strong

You have all of this and can't turn of an alert?

Well I'm sure I could have found the answer on my own with a Google search or
on MS's KB, but I other priorities. Didn't mean to start a flame war on
someone who simply answered the question.


Larry(LJL269) said:
Specifically how is his lack of security going to
effect me??

Another Zombie spewing spam or distributing viruses, which can help add
to slowing down the net.

Thru the net, we are all interconnected.
Berating people detracts from ur arguement, reflects
badly on ur character, & is NOT in the spitit of this

LOL! I guess you never had a friend that was his own worst enemy, that
the only way to get though his thick head was to do a little berating.
It's callled tough love, and the OP needs to be woken up. His lack of
security concerns effect more than just his computer system.
Just my 2¢ worth. Larry

'Bout what it was worth.
Any advise is my attempt to contribute more than I have received but
I can only assure you that it works on my PC. GOOD LUCK.

Some people contribute in different ways. Not all of us go out of our
way to feign civility. Some of us believe in telling it like we see it,
with no candy-coating.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Greg said:
Well what can I say. I've had a NAT router for over 2 years. I've
had a personal firewall on my home PC for about 5 years. I have had
anti-trojan software on my home PC for over 3 years. BTW this was
even before MS recognized the importance of security. Please define

Well good. You shouldn't use MS's firewall with another one installed.
But then you should also be able to figure out how to turn off the
nagging Security Center. It is very simple to do.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Greg said:
Well I'm sure I could have found the answer on my own with a Google
search or on MS's KB, but I other priorities. Didn't mean to start a
flame war on someone who simply answered the question.

Who flamed anyone? Gee, people are too damned sensitive! I just think
that people shouldn't just give answers about turning off security
features without asking some questions, especially the way your original
post was phrased. You sounded like a lazy noob, trying to turnoff the
nagging while his computer was totally open to the net.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


He said he's got a firewall and router.

Do you really expect the majority of people out there to be knowledgable
about keeping their PCs free of pests? Get real. Take a look the next time
you drive down the road and see how many people know nothing about keeping
paint on their car by using wax. Unless someone was standing next to these
people yelling in their ear 24 hours a day with a bullhorn "This is a step by
step guide on how to keep your PC clean !!!", they aren't gonna get it. It's
not worth getting all worked up about it.


uggabugga said:
He said he's got a firewall and router.

He said that well AFTER my post that you are replying to of mine.

Am I supposed to travel back in time, and change my post because of info
obtained AFTER my post was sent?

Please ship me a DeLorean, and not one of the kit car ones!
Do you really expect the majority of people out there to be
knowledgable about keeping their PCs free of pests?

No. But they should expect that people will help them turn off security
features, just because they ask either.


To alt.biology.anthrax:

High, I've grown my own strain of anthrax bacteria, and I'm having
problems aerosolizing it. Please help!

Usama BL

Are you gonna answer this post with directions to aerosolize anthrax, or
are you gonna try to find out a little more?

While I'm overblowing this analogy, it is roughly the same thing. I
computer without protection is a danger to more than the owner of the
protection-less computer.

Notice I first ask, "And you are not using any firewall at all?" Then I
went on to explain why I wasn't helping without further explanation.
Get real.

I'm not real? Prove it.
Take a
look the next time you drive down the road and see how many people
know nothing about keeping paint on their car by using wax.

LOL! Now you will have to explain that analogy. An unwaxed car is not
inherently unsafe.
someone was standing next to these people yelling in their ear 24
hours a day with a bullhorn "This is a step by step guide on how to
keep your PC clean !!!", they aren't gonna get it.

It's not worth
getting all worked up about it.

I didn't get worked up about it. That would be your mistaken
impression. I simply gave my opinion. Based on what I knew at the
time, until I got more information, which I did request.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Ah ic it was 6 hours later. My mistake but I do like reading your postings.

An unwaxed car could pose a serious hazzard. Say you were on a motorcycle in
a state that didn't require a helmet or eye protection. You could get a paint
chip in your eye and crash all cuz that driver didn't feel like waxing his


"Sorry, but if you are willing to take that risk, and potentially add
another Zombie on the net, spamming and slowing it down, then you can just
find out how to
turn off the nagging Security Center yourself."

Just commenting on your mentioning unfirewalled machines clogging up the
internet. I don't know where I got the analogy. It sounded funny at the time
while I was bored sitting at my desk waiting for people to come to me with
their ridiculous problems.

I live in a third floor apartment and always notice how the paint is gone
from many vehicles that drive by. In both cases the problem is ignorance. If
they would wax their paint we wouldn't have all these paint chips flying
around. If they would just keep their machines free of garbage, the Internet
wouldn't come to a grinding halt on a regular basis. I was trying to download
a measly 298MB file yesterday and the connection kept resetting. When I first
got DSL, that would never happen.

I'm gonna print up some bumperstickers:

Friends don't let friends use unfirewalled machines !!!

Believe me, many people who post here are seriously lacking in the info
department. You misunderstood his post from the getgo. You were assuming he
was using no firewall at all. From his comments, I was assuming that he was
using a firewall that XP did not recognize. In these times, only a moron
would knowingly refuse to use any protection at all. Although, I did read a
posting by one guy a while back stating exactly that. I don't know if there's
a point to this. It's just that when I read some of your postings, I can hear
your blood pressure rising. Unless you are just doing it for a laugh.

I like posts like:

Please help, my computer won't work. I tried everything and it just won't
work. Anyone have any ideas? Yeah, learn how to explain the problem better.
Our speedometer has melted and as a result it's very hard to see with any
degree of accuracy exactly how fast we were going.

Do you feel this vehicle is safe for highway travel?

Yessir. It may not look like much but it'll get you where you wanna go.


uggabugga wrote:

Believe me, many people who post here are seriously lacking in the
info department. You misunderstood his post from the getgo. You were
assuming he was using no firewall at all. From his comments, I was
assuming that he was using a firewall that XP did not recognize. In
these times, only a moron would knowingly refuse to use any
protection at all. Although, I did read a posting by one guy a while
back stating exactly that. I don't know if there's a point to this.
It's just that when I read some of your postings, I can hear your
blood pressure rising. Unless you are just doing it for a laugh.

I didn't misunderstand his post. I just didn't assume he was using
another firewall when he hadn't given a clue that he was. Hence my
question about whether he was using any firewall.

This group barely registers a blip to my blood pressure, but my blood
pressure has always been pretty damned rock solid at a "normal"
pressure. And in comparison with many of my posts, my original in this
thread was on the nearly imperceptible end of the Richter Scale.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Richard Urban

Better to use the "Mercalli Intensity Scale" that measures the overall
effect that your posts (or an earthquake) have on the news groups! (-:


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


I didn't mean anything by it. I'm a big fan of your work. It cheers up an
otherwise boring day. :)

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