Trouble Starting Win XP Pro



Greetings all,

I am running Win XP Pro and for some strange reason when I go to star
my computer, it goes through the startup screen and then just shut
down and restarts itself. The Windows XP PRO screen does not eve
appear. It just shuts down. I've tried going in to the BIOS to se
the start up sequence to use the XP PRO CD, but no use. It tries t
read the CD and then it shuts down. Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help.




-----Original Message-----

Greetings all,

I am running Win XP Pro and for some strange reason when I go to start
my computer, it goes through the startup screen and then just shuts
down and restarts itself. The Windows XP PRO screen does not even
appear. It just shuts down. I've tried going in to the BIOS to set
the start up sequence to use the XP PRO CD, but no use. It tries to
read the CD and then it shuts down. Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help.


--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
It just shuts down? Well I sort of had that problem. I
would boot up,the pc would get to just before the xp logo
screen and then RESTART. I also have a sidewinder
joystick via USB. and when this is NOT pluged in it boots
up just fine, but when the SW is plugged in is when the
restartin happens. So I just assumed that it was a power
supply issue. So maybe try dissconnecting every un-
nessacery component and see what happens.

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