Top 10 Reasons for not submitting a PL Program Description



Roughly *12* people have posted the 193 programs that are on the PL2006
nominations list. That's a low level of newsgroup participation in
anybody's book. ....
I suggested two courses of action a few days ago: the group could help
by checking/posting more program descriptions or the PL could get a
whole lot shorter and/or simpler. Now I'll suggest a couple more
possibilities: somebody else can take over or the PL can be retired.

With 12 regular participants the list could be divided into one with
that many categories, say, with each category having a category
manager who does the work for their category.


MLC said:
giovedì 13 ottobre 2005 bambam ha scritto:

I quote all bambam message because I feel the same and I'd have
written it myself.
It's hard to do all the work Susan does, then having feedback mostly
from trolls. I understand her actual sadness and I'm also sure that
the PL is dead if she gives up.


I have to agree with the kind sentiments that have been expressed
towards you in the current posts. And condemn the acid bile spat at you
by uncaring twerps shrouded in the refuge of anonymity.

In England we have something called the Glastonbury Rock Festival, which
takes place on a farm near to me. It has been running most years since
1970, but occasionally the organizer, Michael Eavis, has a year off to
let the cattle roam over the site and let the land return to health.

Your recent postings have, to my eyes, revealed an increasing
frustration with the extent and isolation of your (mostly) thankless
job. May I offer you my thanks.

I suggest that you do what is best for you and your wellbeing. You as an
individual are far more important than some expected yearly update of a
List. You have already put in so much work that it would be satisfactory
to see it through to a conclusion. But if it feels too much like an
ordeal then maybe take a year off; let the cattle graze the
Pricelessware site. Your own quality of life is far more important.

On a differing note, I vote for IrfanView to remain categorized as
freeware. It is such a simple, superb piece of software that to class it
alongside the bad stuff, on a technicality, is to "cut off your nose to
spite your face"!
I wonder if some perspective is becoming distorted here.

I'm just an occasional visitor here, strange health preventing me from
offering any Pricelessware help.

Take care.

Susan Bugher

kapok said:
I suggest that you do what is best for you and your wellbeing. You as an
individual are far more important than some expected yearly update of a
List. You have already put in so much work that it would be satisfactory
to see it through to a conclusion. But if it feels too much like an
ordeal then maybe take a year off; let the cattle graze the
Pricelessware site. Your own quality of life is far more important.

Thank you for your support and that good advice. :)
On a differing note, I vote for IrfanView to remain categorized as
freeware. It is such a simple, superb piece of software that to class it
alongside the bad stuff, on a technicality, is to "cut off your nose to
spite your face"!
I wonder if some perspective is becoming distorted here.

Yes. Omitting "(Freeware)" is a far cry from classifying IrfanView
alongside the bad stuff (Spyware/Adware etc.). This is IrfanView's ware

(free for personal use/non-commercial use) <b>NOTES</b>: bundled with
eBay Searchbar/Toolbar (installation is optional)

Here's the ware description of a Liteware app that bundles additional
software into the download:

JR Screen Ruler
Company: Spadix Software Author: --
(Liteware) (free) NOTES: bundled with the $ware version

The ware description of another Spadix app - one that does not have
bundled software:

JR Split File
Company: Spadix Software Author: --
(Liteware) (free)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

Susan Bugher

With 12 regular participants the list could be divided into one with
that many categories, say, with each category having a category
manager who does the work for their category.

Let George do it? ;) No one has been willing to volunteer for that task
in the past and there is NO reason to suppose these people are
interested. (Some of them have only posted one or two programs.)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)


No one has been willing to volunteer for that task
in the past and there is NO reason to suppose these people are
interested. (Some of them have only posted one or two programs.)

The number 12 is not important. The point is that if the work is
getting to be too much for you to handle, it might be possible
to divide the list into categories and have people sign up to manage
them. Its not really known whether or not this will work but it can't
be assumed it won't work either without asking people. The problem
may not be that people won't help but that they are less inclined to
help under the current organization than one where they have a
specific role.


The number 12 is not important. The point is that if the work is
getting to be too much for you to handle, it might be possible
to divide the list into categories and have people sign up to manage
them. Its not really known whether or not this will work but it can't
be assumed it won't work either without asking people. The problem
may not be that people won't help but that they are less inclined to
help under the current organization than one where they have a
specific role.

I think the problem is simply that it's work, a -lot- of unpaid work (well,
it IS FREEware after all, heh). Especially if it's done correctly. Then
there's the constant maintainence; the teeth-pulling to solicit comments and

Ideally, since it belongs to "the people" there should be more than one
person manning the keyboards, with one central head (such as Susan or
whomever) to coordinate the smaller groups and keep things on an even keel.

This group, like many, has a *lot* of disparate voices, so then there is the
refereeing and decion making involved as well. Like I said, a LOT of work.
It takes a person who can donate their time, a person who can actually DO
all of the various tasks involved, someone with a fairly even disposition
and a person who will not be looking for a lot of thanks and more than their
share of criticism. Because that's what it seems to me is involved.

ANYone who would volunteer should be praised; not every volunteer CAN do the
job effectively though. Somewhat like electing someone, you get who you
vote for. And do the best ones even run? Not often.

OK, enough soap box from me. The biggest critics (and I mean the rude ones,
not the well-meaning suggestors) would never and COULD never do half as
effective of a job as is being done now. It's far easier to fling dirt than
clean up.

I would carefully consider the state of the site (especially after its
tumultuous birth) and looking back ask whether it has been what was
envisioned. If so, many congratulations and thanks are in order...if not,
any suggestions are usually appreciated, given they are of benefit to the
group and they are not couched in obsceneties or obvious trolls.

GoodTime Barnie

This isn't about your post. It's just nice to have a *friendly* ear. :)
The bottom line is I intend to enjoy the holiday season this year. I'm
not going to contribute several more months of full time work - been
there, done that for several years now. It's time to fish or cut bait.

I suggested two courses of action a few days ago: the group could help
by checking/posting more program descriptions or the PL could get a
whole lot shorter and/or simpler. Now I'll suggest a couple more
possibilities: somebody else can take over or the PL can be retired.

Please do Enjoy the holiday season. One of the major reasons my heart
screwed up was due to stress at work etc. That's why I cut my online time
drastically,I want to spend as much time with my two grandsons (3 and 5)
and other family members as possible. If I'm careful and lucky I shud get
another 3 to 4 years. Freeware,Pricelessware,politics,etc. don't mean that
much to me anymore compared to time with those kids. If you can't spread
the work around to hell with it. Your life has far more important things in
it, enjoy them, the group will continue or fold but the world will continue
at least for a while(lol).
GoodTime Barnie


Multiple versions bamboozle me if the newer versions are a different
ware type.
I use some adware which suits my purpose more than pure freeware. Like
someone else said, the ware types allowed are more restrictive than what
I am happy to use.

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