The requested login type has not been granted at this computer



I had to reinstall windows xp home on one computer on the
network. Now I cannot access shared folders or printers
on the machine. I've tried renaming the computer, running
the network setup wizard, reinstalling the network card,
and using the network troubleshooter but nothing has
helped solve my problem.

Whenever I attempt to access the computer I get the

Login Failure: The Requested login type has not been
granted at this computer.

What can I do?

Robert L [MS-MVP]

quoted from
System error 1385 has occurred - Logon failure: the user has not been
granted the requested logon type at this computer

Symptoms: When using net use \\remotecomouter\ahredname, you may receive
above message.

Resolution: The users do not have permission to connect to the remote
computer. To resolve this problem: on the remote computer, select
Administrative Tools>Local Security Settings>Local Policies>User Rights
Assignment, right-click on Access this computer from the
network>Properties>Add Users or Groups, add everyone or any users you want
to be able to access the computer from the network.

For more and other information, go to

Don't send e-mail or reply to me except you need consulting services.
Posting on MS newsgroup will benefit all readers and you may get more help.

Robert Lin, MS-MVP, MCSE & CNE
Networking, Internet, Routing, VPN, Anti-Virus, Tips & Troubleshooting on
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.


Well, I don't appear to have a Local Security Settings
option in my administrative Tools.

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