The Message Interface Has..... - Again



Seems like this is a very common problem with Outlook. Today is the
first time I have run into it. Can't delete files or send files in
any folder, including the archive.

My PST file is nearly 2GB. I know this is too much, but can't delete

I have run scanpst.exe twice. The first time only minor errors with
fix optional. Second time no errors.

I have run the repair in Outlook twice with no help.

I did a Windows system restore with no help.

I ran outlook.exe /cleanviews with no help.

Running out of ideas.

Outlook 2002 SP3
Windows XP Pro 2002 SP3, v5657


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Seems like this is a very common problem with Outlook. Today is the
first time I have run into it. Can't delete files or send files in
any folder, including the archive.

My PST file is nearly 2GB. I know this is too much, but can't delete

Try permanently deleting items you don't need. Select them and press Shift
while you press Delete. This will bypass the Deleted Items folder. After
cleaning out unneeded items this way, compact your PST by right-clickiing
its root (in the Folder List - usually named "Outlook Today"), choosing
Properties, then clicking Advanced, then Compact Now. You should then
create a second PST (File>New>Outlook Data File) and move (not copy) a
significant portion of your data to the second PST, compacting it again
after the move.


Try permanently deleting items you don't need. Select them and press Shift
while you press Delete. This will bypass the Deleted Items folder. After
cleaning out unneeded items this way, compact your PST by right-clickiing
its root (in the Folder List - usually named "Outlook Today"), choosing
Properties, then clicking Advanced, then Compact Now. You should then
create a second PST (File>New>Outlook Data File) and move (not copy) a
significant portion of your data to the second PST, compacting it again
after the move.

Brian - Thanks very much! That was exactly the help I needed. I got
the PST file down to a little over 1 GB, and Outlook works fine. Next
I will create another PST file as you suggest. I also need to work on
the archive folders as there is about 2 GB in there too.


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