Switching from FP 2002 to FP 2003



I have been using FP 2002 and have just purchased FP 2003....I will open the
sites in FP 2003.....is their anything i need to know about opening and
republishing my sites after making changes with FP 2003? I did not feel like
WEb Expressions would be right for me....sounds like a lot of the features
that i liked in FP are not in WE

Trevor Lawrence

msimonov said:
I have been using FP 2002 and have just purchased FP 2003....I will open
sites in FP 2003.....is their anything i need to know about opening and
republishing my sites after making changes with FP 2003? I did not feel
WEb Expressions would be right for me....sounds like a lot of the features
that i liked in FP are not in WE

Wel, I haven't used Expression Web yet, aprt form a brief look. But I have
switched from FP2002 to FP2003.

IIRC, there is nothing to be to concerned about. I think that publishing is
actually easier in FP2003, but I can't recall the details. It was fairly
intuitive what to do.



The only thing you need to do is a full publish to get the sites
synchronised. Publishing with FP2003 is easier than with FP2002, though
the steps and some menu options are in different places.
File->Publish Site is similar to FP2003, and will open Remote Site View,
which gives several options.

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