Subform Value Does Not Display in Form (but will in table)



I have an Instructors form with two tabs. In one tab called Courses, I have a
subform called sfrmInstructorCourses. Since an instructor can train many
courses, I have this subform displayed as a datasheet. In the subform, there
are two fields of interest, the course number combo box and non-standard
classes combo box. I have the subform designed such that if a XXX999 course
number is chosen (in which XXX can be any set of letters), the non-standard
classes combo will contain classes for that course number (one to many
relationship). All works great that is until I reopen the Instructors form as
the non-standard class field in the subform does not display any values. When
I reselect the course number, the correct non-standard class is displayed.
When I open the table containing this data, tblInstructorCourses, the correct
non-standard classes display. Can anyone help me figure out how to get the
non-standard class data to display when I open the Instructors form? Thanks
in advance.

Tom Wickerath

Hi GD,

Open the appropriate table, and check to ensure that a foreign key value is
being written to the table, for the many-side records. Also, in form design
view, verify that the combo boxes that are not displaying data correctly have
the intended field specified as the Control Source.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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