Drop Down Menu Question



I have 3 tables (courses, instructors, & students). The course table and the
instructors table have data pre-filled in. Is there a way I can create a
drop-down menu on the form to show a list of available courses from the same
courses table? I would like the remaining data for that record to be shown in
the tab control field. For example, the form would have a combo box showing
brief course names like "DOR133", then other information is manually entered
(not in the tab control field), such as course date, etc... The tab control
field would display the detail information about the course (objectives,
purpose, etc..). As far as the other tabs, I would include students and
instructors, and possible notes. The notes field would come from the
instructors table. I hope this makes sense, but if there is a better way to
create a simple dbase, it would be greatly appreciated....

Thank you,

Mr. B

Hi, NFL.

I think you may have not created your data structure to accomodiate your
objectives. It sounds like you will need a Classes table where you can
specify the Course and the Instructor from combo boxes. You would also need
a table, we'll call it "tblClassStudentLink". This table would like all of
the students with all of the classes. I would just have three fields. One
field would be the FK to the Classes table, one field would be the FK to the
Students field and the other field would be the FK to the Course Table.

You will need more that a single form to manage this data, but getting a
handle on the design of your database is the place to start.

You would need a form to manage all of your Courses and the info for each.
You would also need a form to manage your Instructors and the info for each
of them. You will need a form where you can manage your students and the
info for each of them. You would then need a form where you can manage
classes (including the meeting times, the location, etc.), the instructor and
other class related information. This form would most likely need a subform
where students can be assigned to the class.

These are just some of my initial thoughts. Hopefully this may help get you


I'm pretty sure I have all the data structure for the course table and each
record in that table has information, class ID, class name, purpose,
objective, prerequisit, autdience...etc. Anywayt, let's say I work on
building a form. I would like to put only one field info using a combo or
list box identifying all courses available from the course table (in this
case it would list a short name). Once I browse the the list, I select a
class. If I would like to see more information about the class I would click
on one of the tabs from the tab form and view more information on that one
record selected. I would name tab class information.

I know, I'm not a pro at this, but just curious if this can be done.
Bulding this dbase is already a challenge and I do appreciate your response.

I've been trying to create relationships and was not successful. I was
however, able to create an intermediate relationship, but I'm not sure that
is helping either.

Mr. B


I appologize if I took you down a road that you did not want to go down. I
just thought I would mention a few things that struck me as important to look

What you want to do can be done. The combo box you want to use would be an
unbound control and would list the clases. You would need to create a sub
form that would be placed in the Tab page. The record source for this sub
form would be a query based on the class table and using the value selected
from the class combo box as the criteria so that the correct record would be
displayed after the selection was made from your combo box.

Good luck with your project.

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