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When I start my PC I get an error from a program called usrbridg.exe can
anybody offer help on this please?
Tried Google without success

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Ron said:
When I start my PC I get an error from a program called usrbridg.exe can
anybody offer help on this please?
Tried Google without success

- What exactly is the error message?
- What does usrbridge.exe do?
- If you do not know, where on your hard disk is usrbridge.exe?


Answer to your questions
What exactly is the error message?
Creates a Microsoft Error Report
Click on Button to make an error report, as I have disabled this item at
this time, I can only give you this info. But if you feel that without it u
cannot help? I will re-enable.
- What does usrbridge.exe do?
I am not sure, but from what I have read it could have a link to IRBridge
User-Level Interface, if that was written by Extended Systems Inc, but I could not get any information from them about
this problem, only to sell me there products, which seem to be most links I
have found with Google searches
- If you do not know, where on your hard disk is usrbridge.exe?
usrbridg.exe is in C:\Windows\System32
Just a small point incase you do a search usrbridg is without the 'e'
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.


When I start my PC I get an error from a program called usrbridg.exe can
anybody offer help on this please?
Tried Google without success

There is all kinds of info in Google about this file. What do you mean by
"without success"?

Pegasus \(MVP\)

From what you write this appears to be an application
you downloaded and installed yourself. I suspect you
do not even want it to run on your PC. Run msconfig.exe,
then click the Startup tab and disable it.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

When msconfig annoys at startup time, just tick the little
box in its dialog box and it will never annoy you again!

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