start up problem generic host...


Jo Celestial

Hello. I have XP SP2, whenever my pc starts there is an error "Generic
host process for win32 services has encountered a problem and needed to
close", it happened after I installed tweakui, and I uninstall tweakui but
it didnt fix it. Please help.



Hey you know... i even asked about this Generic Host Process thing a while
back here too and no one could help me. Anyway, i have fixed the problem on
my pc!! Maybe i can help you? If so.. read on...

Okay i am NOT sure which thing i did that got rid of it but here is what i
did that i hadn't done before:

I noticed this problem occuring with the windows updates i installed and
thought that was the problem but turns out it wasn't and the only other thing
i could think of was that on the same day as the updates, i had installed
Microsoft Anti Spy. I was never shutting that down when shutting my pc down
before, but i recently started shutting it down and i also clicked on My
Computer and right clicked and did the scan disk for errors thing. Anyway,
since doing that and also shutting down Microsoft Anti Spy every time i shut
my pc down, i never get that message at all now. Not sure which one fixed
it... the scan disk for errors (I only did that the once) or shutting down
the Microsoft Anti Spy every time i shut down my pc. Must have been one of
those that fixed it because i no longer get it.


Would you go step by step on how you did a scan disk for errors. when i
double click onto Mycomputer, i dont see anything that gives you an option to
do a disc scan. Also, when i righclick on MyComputer, the options i'm given
are as follows:
open, explore, search, manage, map network drive, discon. network drive,
create shortcut, delete, rename, properties.

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