Start up messages / Shutdown problems



I have had problems with spyware on my Windows XP Home Edition PC. I think
have managed to clear the problems using various utilities and my recent
scans have been clear. However the system still runs very slowly and on start
up I get some messages about missing programs i.e. "Unable to find
C\nail.exe" ans well as a couple of similar messages.

Also Shut down or Restart can be a problem, Some times it hangs and other
times it ignores the request.

Any ideas anyone?


What anti spy wares removal tools have you installed?
I use a combo of Ad ware SE pro & Spy bot 1.4. Its keeps my OS clean. of all
kinds of spy wares, data miners, tracking cookie etc.
Do you ever use a defrag software like Disk keeper, to check, scan hard
disks, defrag disk MFT Page file?
Is the MFT & Page file configured?


I used the MS AntiSpyware Beta, Hijack This and Vundo Fix, based on cure I
found elsewhere on this site, I have not used a defrag software package? What
exactly would that do?
By configuring the paging file do you mean set the size of the Virtual
Memory if so I've done this, As you can guess I'm a novice with these type of
issues. Thanks for your help.


Download & install Ad ware SE & Spy bot from, install & run
them only after you have removed this MS beta anti spy ware.
They are free wares; do remember to update them after installing.
Lastly use soft wares like disk keeper, they do all what is required
according to your machine/ OS/Software installed. Like configuring virtual
mem, MFT, scan disk , check disk.
You should have these 3 imp tools in your arsenal, A Must tools for a newbie
like me.
Take care!


Download & install Ad ware SE & Spy bot from, install & run
them only after you have removed this MS beta anti spy ware.
They are free wares; do remember to update them after installing.
Lastly use soft wares like disk keeper, they do all what is required
according to your machine/ OS/Software installed. Like configuring virtual
mem, MFT, scan disk , check disk.
You should have these 3 imp tools in your arsenal, A Must tools for a newbie
like me.
Take care!

Drew Tognola

Also sounds like the run commands are still in your registry.

* click start > run > type msconfig, click OK

* click into the Startup tab

* uncheck any spyware references (nail.exe), click OK

* restart computer



Attention Mr Drew Togonola:

Mr. Drew Togonola,
I sense that you are pretty familiar with registry tweaking etc.
Kindly would you care to read & post some replies to my unsolved threads.
1. Dialup Lost Invisible.
2. Network Related Queries 1 & 2.

Hoping to hear from ya soon.

Ken Blake, MVP

Yezinki said:
Download & install Ad ware SE

First, note that it's "Adaware," not "Ad ware"

& Spy bot

and it's "Spybot Search and Destroy."

I don't like to nitpick, but when advising someone to download something,
it's important to be accurate about names. If you get them wrong, they may
download the wrong product.

And here you presumably mean

install & run them only after you have removed this MS beta anti spy

Why? There's no need to remove MSAS, and the OP should not. Even though it's
still beta, it's an excellent product, and catches things other products
don't. With anti-spyware software, it's best to have several products in
your arsenal. In fact, I also recommend adding Spyware Blaster.


Mr. Ken Blake,

I apologize about my English, as I had earlier mentioned it isn’t my mother
Regarding ratings about Spy Blaster & MS Beta anti spy wares, sorry to say
that they are just average.

If one has Ad ware SE pro version 1.6 & Spy Bot Search & Destroy version 1.4
with Tea timer & IE protection settings, most would agree that the system is
very safe, with regular scanning, immunization, updates etc.

Well, I agree that there isn’t any harm in having many such soft wares but
my philosophy is Quality stuff not Quantity.

Personally speaking my machine has never been infected or corrupted by
either a virus, spy ware etc in last 3 years or so with this combination.

Again my philosophy is least junk software, files, folders on my drives. is this better!

Have a great day!

By the way I might not be an IT consultant but at times my solutions are
much better than those offered by many!

Ken Blake, MVP

Yezinki said:
Mr. Ken Blake,

I apologize about my English, as I had earlier mentioned it isn't my
mother tongue.

No apology necessary.Your English is fine, and much than my feeble attempts
in other languages.

I wasn't correcting your English, just stressing the importance of getting
names of software right when you recommend it.

Regarding ratings about Spy Blaster & MS Beta anti spy wares, sorry
to say that they are just average.

That's your opinion and that's fine. I don't agree.

If one has Ad ware

Please. It's Adaware, not Ad ware. ;-)

SE pro version 1.6 & Spy Bot Search & Destroy
version 1.4 with Tea timer & IE protection settings, most would agree
that the system is very safe, with regular scanning, immunization,
updates etc.

My view is very different from yours. I want to do everything I can to
protect my system. I'm not as interested in which program is better or which
is worse. Running all four adds some protection, and I do it. I can't say
exactly how much extra protection I get by having four (actually five; I
also run Spyware Guard) as opposed to your four, but it's not zero. I
experience no negative effects by running these, I can't see any slowdown
attributable to running them, and they are free.

Well, I agree that there isn't any harm in having many such soft
wares but my philosophy is Quality stuff not Quantity.

Quantity without quality is ueless. We agree on that. We disagree on the
quality of Spyware Blaster and MSAS .

Personally speaking my machine has never been infected or corrupted by
either a virus, spy ware etc in last 3 years or so with this

Sorry, but the experience of a single person has no statistical
significance. That's like someone saying "My grandfather smoked three packs
of cigarettes every day of his adult life, died at 96, and never got lung
cancer." There are lots of people like that, but it doesn't change the fact
that statisically smokers are far more likely to get lung cancer than

Again my philosophy is least junk software, files, folders on my

Spyware Blaster and MSAS are certainly not junk. is this better!

Have a great day!

By the way I might not be an IT consultant but at times my solutions
are much better than those offered by many!

Like the solutions and recommendations of everyone else, your solutions and
recommendations stand on their own merits, regardless of who or what you
are. Your not being an IT consultant doesn't matter.

Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP Windows: Shell/User
Please reply to the newsgroup



Mr. Ken Blake,

Was indeed a pleasure to read your reply.

Would be better for the forum, that we not start a discussion on statistics
& medicine, because that’s my domain.

A patient of mine who works for MS says: Quote “We make, pack export
products first & think of their weaknesses later. So we keep coming up with
flaws in them & hence updates etc. Our policy is to make hard cash first.â€

MacAfee came up with an anti spy ware which was a real junk software for 25
bucks. I wouldn’t use it even if I got it free of cost.

Generally the people are stuck up with MS products but trends are changing
in Europe & world over specially South America. They aren’t stupid so
switching over to Linux OS Open source products like office.

Adaware…….. is that better.

Been using MS products since early 90s but now I too am gradually switching
to Linux & Open source.


Have a great day!


Mr. Ken Blake,

Just a few more thoughts about MS,

MS hasn’t been able to make one product which is worth praising, e.g. even
IE browser with all its updates is still susceptible to DSO exploit.

So most smart people use windows but either with Firefox or Opera browser.

MS wants to make OSs, anti spy wares, firewalls but sadly all are just
Basically MS wants to manufacturer all products…….as they say Jack of all
King of NONE.

Another thing that I read some time ago was that MS was trying to buy
antivirus software developed by some east European country & than label it MS

So lets all accept the fact that at the moment most of us use MS products
BUT in our hearts we aren’t satisfied with their performances.


Have a great evening!

Ken Blake, MVP

Yezinki said:
Mr. Ken Blake,

Just Ken is fine. No need to be formal.

Just a few more thoughts about MS,

MS hasn't been able to make one product which is worth praising,

Again, that's just your opinion. It's not mine, by a long shot.

even IE browser with all its updates is still susceptible to DSO

So most smart people use windows but either with Firefox or Opera

Not me. I use IE with the Maxthon shell, and I'm very happy with the

So lets all accept the fact that at the moment most of us use MS
products BUT in our hearts we aren't satisfied with their

That doesn't describe me. I use some Microsoft products, and not others. The
ones I use I use because I am generally ssatisfied with them (at least as
compared to the competition). I use Windows XP and like it a lot. I use
WordPerfect in preference to Word (but Excel in preference to Quattro Pro)
and Quicken in preference to Microsoft Money. I try to choose which software
I use on its merits, without reference to what company makes it.


=?Utf-8?B?R2FybGljQnJlYWQ=?= said:
I have had problems with spyware on my Windows XP Home Edition PC. I think
have managed to clear the problems using various utilities and my recent
scans have been clear. However the system still runs very slowly and on start
up I get some messages about missing programs i.e. "Unable to find
C\nail.exe" ans well as a couple of similar messages.

Remove the calls to the file in the registry. Next time dont install
spyware. Also, often, even when you remove spyware, the damage may
already be done. So, next time, dont INSTALL spyware in the first place
to prevent such niggles.


Thanks for all replies, removing the call files from the registry worked up
to a point, Adaware worked on Quick Scan mode, on full scan it freezes in the
same place (C\Windows) each time even if I run the computer in safe mode.
This is after it believes it has found a potential problem. Spybot managed to
clear a number of potential problems however is not allowing me to clear the
last 3 as it is saying that they are in use or in the memory. I asks me to
restart and run spybot as part of start up which I have done a couple of
times but I just get the same result. MS Anti Spyware Beta is also freezing
on full scan mode.

I am not getting any annoying popups or messages however the system is still
slow and will not shut down or restart. Thanks to everyone for there time and
help so far.


Run Spy bot in SAFE MODE too, than it wouldn’t ask to run again on startup.
Check ALL entries it reveals.
Click on FIX all problems. (Both RED & GREEN colored e.g. log etc.)

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