Spyware stole my Search options. How do I restore?


Robert Davis

I recently visited a link that began automatically
installing one of those stupid spywares--maybe Gator, I
don't recall. I uninstalled it and ran Spybot and then
Registry First Aid to make sure everything got cleaned up.

However, the method I used to like to search (? + keyword
typed in the URL box) doesn't work. In fact when I click
the Search button in the IE toolbar, it is now a blank
sidebar. I HATE those spywares!

Must I reinstall IE6 again? I tried the cumulative patch
and the SP1 but that didn't fix it. Anyone run into this?

Thanks for the suggestions.

Gene Talley

This is the same problem I was searching for an answer
to. I also recently started using Spybot, but I did not
notice the problem immediately after using it so I was not
sure if I should blame Spybot (or spyware it removed) or
not. Have you checked with Spybot for a fix yet? The SP1
patch did not help in my case either. I know from
experience that reinstalls don't always fix problems if
the issue is a hidden registry value, so I really don't
want to bother reinstalling ie to find out I still can't
use the search sidebar. Does anyone have a confirmed
solution to this problem? Thanks!


Maureen Goldman

Robert Davis said:
I recently visited a link that began automatically
installing one of those stupid spywares--maybe Gator, I
don't recall. I uninstalled it and ran Spybot and then
Registry First Aid to make sure everything got cleaned up.

However, the method I used to like to search (? + keyword
typed in the URL box) doesn't work. In fact when I click
the Search button in the IE toolbar, it is now a blank
sidebar. I HATE those spywares!

Must I reinstall IE6 again? I tried the cumulative patch
and the SP1 but that didn't fix it. Anyone run into this?

Thanks for the suggestions.

Do you have any backups? Restore, if using XP?

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