SP3 Inclusion of WMP 11


Shenan Stanley

Rich said:
Here is from PC Magazine

"The most obvious new additions are the latest versions of
Microsoft's browser and media player-Media Player 11 and Internet
Explorer 7.0-both of which have been downloadable for quite some

Here is the link...

PC Magazine articles from way back in the development of SP3 were wrong then
and are wrong now. Another reason not to listen to them, I suppose. ;-)

Shenan Stanley

Rich said:
This if from PC Magazine

"The most obvious new additions are the latest versions of
Microsoft's browser and media player-Media Player 11 and Internet
Explorer 7.0-both of which have been downloadable for quite some
time. "

Here is the link...

And I'll thank you in advance to keep your comments civil...

PC Magazine articles from way back in the development of SP3 were wrong then
and are wrong now. Another reason not to listen to them, I suppose. ;-)


George said:
Tried to tell you that your ignorance would catch up with you :) At least
you were humble enough to admit it! How does it feel to eat crow?

ACTUALLY... after reading posts after mine, you will see that I was
actually correct.


The post I replied to above was severely outdated and had incorrect

YOUR TURN... do you like your crow hot or cold?.

Homer J. Simpson

You mean that I was RIGHT? MP11 is NOT gonna be in SP3???
THANK YOU. I was gonna check into a nursing home.

Now I don't have to.

You should probably still look into it though. ;-)

<g, r, d>

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