SP1 with Critical Updates vs. SP2


Greg Strong

What are the differences of SP1 with the critical updates versus SP2 with
critical updates?

Is it just the interface as the 'security settings' in the control panel &
other bells & whistles with everything under the hood, sort to speak, being
the same?


Carey Frisch [MVP]

SP2 is considered a comprehensive "Critical Update" and updates over
5 million lines of code in Windows XP. You'll experience stronger
security and a bit more performance by installing SP2.

Why Service Packs are Better Than Patches

Introduction to Windows XP Service Pack 2

List of fixes included in Windows XP Service Pack 2

Learn About Windows XP Service Pack 2

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups



| What are the differences of SP1 with the critical updates versus SP2 with
| critical updates?
| Is it just the interface as the 'security settings' in the control panel &
| other bells & whistles with everything under the hood, sort to speak, being
| the same?
| TIA!
| --
| Regards,
| Greg Strong

Greg Strong

What are the differences of SP1 with the critical updates versus SP2 with
critical updates?

Per http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/sp2/default.mspx states:

"The latest Service Pack for Windows XP—Service Pack 2 (SP2)—is all about
security, and it’s one of the most important service packs ever released. It
provides better protection against viruses, hackers, and worms, and includes
Windows Firewall, Pop-up Blocker for Internet Explorer, and the new Windows
Security Center."

Also I believe I used the wrong term "critical updates" and should have used
"High-priority updates".


Bert Kinney

Hi Greg,

Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2: Part 1: Introduction

Release notes for Windows XP Service Pack 2

List of fixes included in Windows XP Service Pack 2

List of fixes in Windows XP Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Service Pack 1a

Greg Strong

SP2 is considered a comprehensive "Critical Update" and updates over
5 million lines of code in Windows XP. You'll experience stronger
security and a bit more performance by installing SP2.

I am sure SP2 is more 'comprehensive', but the problem I have is that some
on-line web sites for jobs will not accept WinXP Pro SP2. In my specific
experience the Employer is a very highly respected company. BTW they do not
manufacture/produce computer software. I don't want to provide the company's
name because I feel this would be somewhat degrading, but do understand their
budget issues on upgrades with regard to their fiscal policy.

Thanks for the quick response!

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


SP2 rewrites some 5 million lines of code within XP.. a fully updated SP2 is
worth way more than a fully updated SP1.. SP2 is not about bells and
whistles, although it does add one or two..

Greg Strong

Hi Greg,

Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2: Part 1: Introduction

Release notes for Windows XP Service Pack 2

List of fixes included in Windows XP Service Pack 2

List of fixes in Windows XP Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Service Pack 1a

Thanks for all the links. I'm going to stay with SP1 for now. See Message-ID:
<[email protected]> for why.

Greg Strong


SP2 rewrites some 5 million lines of code within XP.. a fully updated SP2 is
worth way more than a fully updated SP1..

In which way? Is an updated SP2 with all high priority updates more secure
than SP1 updated with all the high priorities? I'll probably read the links
provided by others. May they will tell me why.
SP2 is not about bells and
whistles, although it does add one or two..

Well for now I'm going to stay with SP1 fully updated with high priority
links. See Message-ID: <[email protected]> for why.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Did you miss this part?.. SP2 rewrites some 5 million lines of code within

Your call

Greg Strong

Did you miss this part?.. SP2 rewrites some 5 million lines of code within

Your call

Sure. Did you miss this part? ... "See Message-ID:
<[email protected]> for why."

I'd rather be able to apply to a prospective employer AND pass GRC's ShieldsUp
test at http://www.grc.com/default.htm. The results of the ShieldsUp test are
"Your system has achieved a perfect "TruStealth" rating." From what I
understand security is relative. Security is the perspective that I asked the
question between SP1 vs SP2. I should have been more clear. This may be a
difficult question to answer. Those who know the answer, may not what the
answer known. :)

SP2 may be the way to go, but not for now. Thanks for your response.


If the quality of the code isn't better than what was done, the
quantity of code is meaningless, especially it is still contain
bugs that microsoft feels is "not important" enough to fix but
claim it is the user's ineptness.

And if most of the 5 million lines of code is for the firewall,
ie, outlook, remote access services & messenger services, &
"windows auto-update", only people using them may want to go
to sp2.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)

You will both believe what you want to believe, and that is your

Greg Strong

You will both believe what you want to believe, and that is your

You obviously haven't read what I've posted. It isn't a matter of belief, but
a matter of capability. I simply can NOT apply to a desired prospective
employer's on-line application system with WinXP Pro SP2.

It really is just that simple.

Jone Doe

With SP2 installed on XP, this is the message I get back from shields up.
So your suggestion that it won't work with SP2 is obviously wrong.

Your system has achieved a perfect "TruStealth" rating. Not a single
packet - solicited or otherwise - was received from your system as a result
of our security probing tests. Your system ignored and refused to reply to
repeated Pings (ICMP Echo Requests). From the standpoint of the passing
probes of any hacker, this machine does not exist on the Internet. Some
questionable personal security systems expose their users by attempting to
"counter-probe the prober", thus revealing themselves. But your system
wisely remained silent in every way. Very nice.


With SP2 installed on XP, this is the message I get back from shields up.
So your suggestion that it won't work with SP2 is obviously wrong.

So you passed GRC's ShieldsUp test with SP2. Unless I'm reading you
wrong I never said that this would NOT be the case. What I said is I
could NOT apply for a job with an on-line job application (i.e. web
based) with a prospective employer. In the documentation and in phone
conversation with their help desk this is was what I was told.

So I simply re-installed WinXP Pro with SP1 and all the high priority
updates. Why? So I can apply for the job. I'm not bashing MS nor
the prospective employer. I am simply looking for CAPABILITY that is
important to me in an ever changing personal computer market.



Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Why would SP2 be responsible for you not being able to apply for a job
online?.. I would love to see the documentation and speak to the person who
told you this..

Greg Strong

Why would SP2 be responsible for you not being able to apply for a job
online?.. I would love to see the documentation and speak to the person who
told you this..

Couple things here first. I think I want to try to apply for the job
on-line with only SP1 installed. Previously I was provided an email
address to send the application too. Hopefully it is still posted and
available. If I'm able to apply for the job with an updated version of
SP1, then this would support their IT help desk's support position.

Secondly, I will admit when I spoke to the individual at the help desk
they did not sound well versed, sort to speak, with regard to the
specifics of the situation. Because I was applying for a job I didn't
want to push it.

Third, are you an employee of Microsoft? Maybe this is to much to
ask. Since this is a professional situation I would only expect this
situation to be handled in a professional manner. What do I mean?
Well I would only provide contact information where the individual
contacting the prospective employer was acting in behalf of Microsoft.
In order to do so I believe that the person would have to be a
Microsoft employee.

REMEMBER, the response from the prospective employer was that they
were aware of the problem with WinXP. IIRC I believe they referred to
it as "version 2" which meant no sense to me unless they meant SP2.
This is why I want to try SP1 in the application process. Their
response was something to the effect that the upgrade was not in their
current fiscal budget, and that hopefully this would be corrected in
the future.

So in summary:
1) I'm going to try to apply through the on-line web based solution
with SP1 installed with high priority updates installed.

2) Are you a Microsoft employee?

3) Would you be contact them as a Microsoft employee?

I only want to insure a professional situation if the information was

Greg Strong

I only want to insure a professional situation if the information was

In retrospect I don't think this would be a good ideal under any
circumstances. Sorry!

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


No, I am not a Microsoft employee.. I am a Microsoft MVP, it being an award
given by Microsoft to people who they consider to provide a high level of
volunteer help in public online communities such as this..

I have no intention of contacting the people that told you to apply for a
job with only SP1 and updates applied.. even as I type that statement, it
amuses me.. the kind of thing that one might here in Best Buy or Staples
(and a whole bunch of other places, unfortunately)..

A guy in a computer store told me recently that the lower end Toshiba
laptops can't handle MS Office, that they crash out if you try to type too
fast in MS Word.. thank god for people like that, or I might never smile..
the trouble is that some will believe him because they know no better..

You must do what you feel is right, Greg.. and believe what you want to
believe.. your prerogative, your call..

R. McCarty

Computer salesmen have supplanted car salesmen as the biggest
purveyors of BS. It's like I told a HR person at my last corporate
job "We don't need Picture badges - we need one with IQ's on it"

Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:

No, I am not a Microsoft employee.. I am a Microsoft MVP, it being an
award given by Microsoft to people who they consider to provide a high
level of volunteer help in public online communities such as this..

I have no intention of contacting the people that told you to apply for a
job with only SP1 and updates applied.. even as I type that statement, it
amuses me.. the kind of thing that one might here in Best Buy or Staples
(and a whole bunch of other places, unfortunately)..

A guy in a computer store told me recently that the lower end Toshiba
laptops can't handle MS Office, that they crash out if you try to type too
fast in MS Word.. thank god for people like that, or I might never smile..
the trouble is that some will believe him because they know no better..

You must do what you feel is right, Greg.. and believe what you want to
believe.. your prerogative, your call..

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