Slow Start-up


Bob I

basically you get 2 processors in one package. There are a couple of
things that result in it not being twice as fast. One, there is overhead
that causes a little processor use because they have to share resources
and two, the work has to be assigned or parceled out. In general use,
you would see anything from about 120 to 180% of a single processor of
the given speed. As for the hard drive, lets say you replace the 4200
with a 7200 rpm. You won't be changing the burst speed(read from cache)
but you may pick up the hardware data transfer rate maybe 50-60 percent.
So outlook takes 2 seconds to load instead of 3. My personal choice
would be to continue using the current laptop as is for about a year and
then in middle of next year when the Vista installs are all sorted out
by the vendors, pick up a new one with all the bells and whistles.


Thanks for the good info.
I'm thinking of buying now a new laptop because I'm loosing time now. I went
to Best Buy and I found one at
It's not the Intel processor but it's AMD 64 X2 1.6 Ghz, for $900. It' still
better than a 2.4 GHz pentium 4, right?
About Windows Vista, Best Buy will provide free upgrade by mail when it
comes out, so that's another good reason for me to buy.
Do you know when Windows Vista will come out?
Or maybe I should wait that laptop with Office 2007 comes out? do you know
when Office 2007 comes out?


Bob I

Yes that one will be faster. As to jumping in now 1) Determine what
version of Vista you will be eligible for. and 2) Office 2007 is "due
out" early in 2007.


Last question: in, all notebooks proposed have 5400 rpm at most.
None has 7200 rpm, that's not a problem?


last question,,,,

is booting into safemode
an improvement over the normal boot?

Bob I

It's 25% faster than your current one.
Last question: in, all notebooks proposed have 5400 rpm at most.
None has 7200 rpm, that's not a problem?


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