Slow delivery


Alan Cross

I don't think we have an issue but would like someone
else's opinion. We have a client on the west coast, we
are out east. It is taking upwards of 5 hours for an e-
mail sent from them to us before we receive it. It is
consistent. We are not having any other issues with any
other sender. I have Exchange 5.5 with all of the current
patches and SP. Running OL2K as the client. I do not
know what the sender is using. Any thoughts or ideas??

Conrad Pfleging

It's just about impossible to say with what you've told us, but 5 hours for
an email tells me someone has an issue. Do you have the same time lag the
other direction? Do they have time lags with other recipients?

Alan Cross

Our messages to them them are fine. They say they have no
problem with anyone else receiveing their messages.

Conrad Pfleging

Sure sounds like something on their end from what you say. Maybe have
someone from their end run a tracert on your exchange servers IP and see
where it's going. Check their DNS settings. Do you get normal ping times
if you ping them and they ping you?

Alan Cross

Ping times are fine. Did not think of doing a trace
route. I'll give that a shot. Their DNS is OK too.
Thanks for the suggestion!

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