sharing private files



Prior to our grandchildren's visit I "privatized" my
documents folder and now am unable to restore sharing on
the household network so the other computer on our
network can access the my documents folder. When I
attempt to drag the my docs folder to the shared docs
folder I get a message saying that it is in another
private folder - the users folder and when I attempt to
drag the users folder to the shared docs folder I get
another message that it "will not be shared after you
move or rename it -- do you want to continue". So how do
I "unprivatize" the folders? Frustration reigns.


Thanks for the thoughts -- unfortunately, the sites did
not explicitly address the problem. By "privatize" I
meant I checked the box that indicates you wish to make a
file "private". Now that box is grayed-out and I cannot
reverse the process. Oops. Any more ideas? TIA

Steven L Umbach

OK. I am not familiar with XP simple file sharing but I would think that the user who
actually was logged when they checked that box should also be able to uncheck it.
Otherwise look at the link below about taking ownership of a file or folder that
should allow an administrator to give himself the ability to change permissions. ---

Kent W. England [MVP]

Simple file sharing doesn't allow certain folders or subfolders to be
checked. Sometimes moving a folder will disable the ability to change
its private setting.

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