"Shared Documents" folder now "Documents", but can still access it




My "Shared Documents" folder has somehow been renamed to just "Documents".
However, I can still access everything in it just fine.

I have read some of the other threads in this forum on this topic and have
checked the "desktop.ini" file in the "Documents and Settings\All
Users\Documents" folder and it appears to be correct in terms of content and
being set as "System" and "Hidden" (according to the information I found at
the "computers.douglasthrift.net" website).

Is there anything else I can try? Thanks.

Happy days!


Wesley Vogel

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents

is the Shared Documents folder. It gets its name from the desktop.ini

The desktop.ini file may be missing or messed up.

Detailed instructions here on how to fix or create a desktop.ini file for
the Shared Documents folder...

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


David Candy

Douglas thrift, what ever that is is wrong. Dino Esperinto (or something like that) surmised that there had been a change in XP when it was in beta. He was wromg. But noone checked (except for me). The requirements are exactly the same. The folder must be read only or system. You can only change these at the command prompt.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I checked the Documents
folder in All Users and found that it was not set as read-only. After
checking in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase, I found an article that explained my
situation (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326549/en-us). After setting the
Documents folder to read-only, my Shared Documents folder now reports itself
as Shared Documents once more. Happy days.

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