Screen dims evertime a notification pops up......



Is there any way to stop the screen diming when a notification pops up, this
is getting old and especially the pop ups, asking me if I would like to
continue or preform the operation etc.


Richard Urban

Nope. That is the way the system makes certain you take notice and perform
an action. If it didn't work that way, you would just minimize or close the
window and continue merrily along - with a possibly compromised computer.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User

Robert Firth

I assume you mean the UAC prompts. The dimming of the screen is acutally
Secure Desktop, although I suppose technically it doesn't need to dim the
screen, it emphasises that you have to deal with that prompt before you
continue. You can turn Secure Desktop off, but doing so is a security risk.
SD insures that no other running processes can answer the prompt but you.
Note that you can turn off SD without turning off UAC, they are separate.
However, I would (and do) just leave it on.

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* Robert Firth *
* Windows Vista x86 RTM *
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Adam Albright

Nope. That is the way the system makes certain you take notice and perform
an action. If it didn't work that way, you would just minimize or close the
window and continue merrily along - with a possibly compromised computer.

Explain how clicking through doesn't compromise your computer.

Take all the space you need =====>

Never mind, I'll explain it for you. When the screen dims and you're
asked to confirm what you want to do, you in effect bypass what UAC
does, stand in your way. So all that happens is you are now aware what
you want to do MAY be risky. Since the typical user already started
out to do some task, 99 times out of 100 he will of course click, yes
continue. So UAC does NOTHING is the way of protecting you from
anything with its stupid nag screens. It is simply an annoyance. I
expected more from Microsoft. The concept it good, but the
implementation is lousy. If Microsoft's software engineers don't know
the difference between a real security risk and trying to delete a
shortcut from the desktop, then I got to tell Billy G the next time I
see him he need a better team of engineers. :)

Robert Firth

I don't know what you're talking about, UAC doesn't prompt when you try to
delete a shortcut from the desktop.

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* Robert Firth *
* Windows Vista x86 RTM *
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