Saving Favorites and email addresses


john barton

How do I save favorites and email addresses on IE 6.0. I want to save
them to a floppy disc.


For Favorites... IE> File> Import & Export> let the wizard take you through
it. Favorites will be exported to a HTM file which can be imported into IE.

Address book... Open address book> File> Export> you probably want to export
it as Address Book (WAB)


john barton

Thanks for the reply. I want to save favorites and email adresses to a floppy
disc. Can you take me through the steps? Thanks
For Favorites... IE> File> Import & Export> let the wizard take you through
it. Favorites will be exported to a HTM file which can be imported into IE.

Address book... Open address book> File> Export> you probably want to export
it as Address Book (WAB)

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
- - - - - - -
john barton said:
How do I save favorites and email addresses on IE 6.0. I want to save
them to a floppy disc.


Address book... Open address book> File> Export> choose a name for the file
and choose the folder or location to which you wish to save it. In the
field on top of the Save window, click the (down) arrow and choose Floppy(A)

For Favorites... IE> File> Import & Export> let the wizard take you through
it. At about the 3rd or 4th step, you'll get to choose the Save location and
a name for the file.

- - - - - -

john barton said:
Thanks for the reply. I want to save favorites and email adresses to a floppy
disc. Can you take me through the steps? Thanks
- - -
DVarnau said:
For Favorites... IE> File> Import & Export> let the wizard take you through
it. Favorites will be exported to a HTM file which can be imported into IE.

Address book... Open address book> File> Export> you probably want to export
it as Address Book (WAB)

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
- - - - - - -
john barton said:
How do I save favorites and email addresses on IE 6.0. I want to save
them to a floppy disc.

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