Retrieving my e-mail addresses from Outlook



Please, can someone tell me how to retrieve my e-mail addresses I am using
the same carrier, however I went from Windows Outlook to Vista mail. I
don't have access to my old computer, it crashed. I am also not sure which
windows outlook I was using. Is there any help for me in this case?

PA Bear [MS MVP]

If you didn't back-up your Outlook contacts to a CSV file, I'm afraid you're
out of luck.

Gary VanderMolen

You've just illustrated the need for one of the neat features in
Windows Live Mail. It keeps a fully synced copy of your contacts
on the Microsoft server.

Patrick Keenan

Please, can someone tell me how to retrieve my e-mail addresses I am using
the same carrier, however I went from Windows Outlook to Vista mail. I
don't have access to my old computer, it crashed. I am also not sure
which windows outlook I was using. Is there any help for me in this case?

You need the files from the old computer's hard disk or your backups.

If you can get that, there are things you can do. But if you can't, there
isn't much.

Sorry there isn't better news.

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