Remote Assistance external IP Address.



In the past I have used this facility to connect to a friends PC (He has sent
me the file via email). But lately it is not working.

For some reason it is not attaching the external IP address to the
RAInvitation.msrcincident file.

It used to do this in the past. I have gone and checked previous e-mails to
verify the external ip address has been included in the
RAInvitation.msrcincident file.

Now when I open the file I only see the internal ip address I.E. 192.168
etc. Which result in the DNS error message.

I know you can add the external IP address to the file after word but this
does not seem to work either for me, perhaps I am doing it wrong.

I have checked that not changes have been made to the physical hardware
system. Same router and PC etc.

Could any one point me in the right direction to resolve this issue and more
importantly why the change has occured.




I have been at my friends PC to check.

It was his sent e-mails that I checked for the IP address.

I also went through the remote assistance steps to recreat the file. Which
did not give me the external IP address although previously it had.

Thanks though.


It was from the friends PC that I did the checks. I also ran through the
procedure for creating the file which again only gave me the internal IP



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