registry question

  • Thread starter Rev. Vegetable Lasagne
  • Start date

Rev. Vegetable Lasagne

Yes, I'm an idiot, let's start there and save time. I didn't take a system
restore point before I made the change, and too much had been done between
the last saved restore point and the point where I messed it up.

Now that we're past that, here's the problem. I tried to install Nero 6 on
Vista Home Premium but it said there were known incompatibilites and
wouldn't install it. So I tried Nero 7 and it installed OK, but it failed
on starting up. There was a link for a fix so I clicked on it. It said to
make a change to the registry, which basically went to the Nero key under
one of the Software sections. It said to unclick the Inherit from above or
whatever that option is. After I did that, there were no permissions in the
key at all, and now I can't even open it to read it.

Is there any way to restore those permissions? All I want to do is
uninstall Nero, but it hangs on not having access to that registry key.
Yes, this is an administrator permissions account, and yes, I tried turning
UAC off.

Thanks for any advice.

Chad Harris

Yo Rev--

If you can locate the key you can take perimssion. Right click key>click
permissions on the context menu>highlight your profile>add/edit>put checks
in all boxes for full permissions or add/edit type users in the object
box>put checks in all boxes for full permissions>close.

Anytime you edit the registry in the future, (my exception is deleting the
filters keys to use a CD/or DVD drive) Export>Entire Registry Radio
Button>Save to desktop>Tuck into convenient file and also manually set a
system restore point.

As to Nero, you may be able to get it in without worrying about that
registry key. Here's how:

Run the Nero Clean tool. Run the InCD clean tool. Reinstall Nero 7.

Clean Tools are here:

Good luck,


Buh buh John Warner. You blew a lot of hot air and accomplished next to
nothing. Buh Buh Larry Craig. Senatuh Orientation 101 "When a cop says
you're under arreest and you be a Senatuh you say "ah wants mah lawyuh."

Bottom line Stupid Apathetic Americans are still blowing 3 Billion a week
and thousands of lives in the middle of a Civil War in Iraq and that ain't
changin' 'til Mr. Draft waltzes in.

Then the talking heads and elite white people will have to worry about their
kids' asses getting haulded down and blown up.

Rev. Vegetable Lasagne

Anytime you edit the registry in the future, (my exception is
deleting the filters keys to use a CD/or DVD drive) Export>Entire
Registry Radio Button>Save to desktop>Tuck into convenient file and
also manually set a system restore point.

As to Nero, you may be able to get it in without worrying about that
registry key. Here's how:

Run the Nero Clean tool. Run the InCD clean tool. Reinstall Nero 7.

Clean Tools are here:

Good luck,


thanks. I've already got the customer using Roxio. THanks for the bkup

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