Recent Documents Word 2003 - Need to add more to the list!



For years I used MSWorks and there was an interface that allowed me to view
hundreds of my last documents. It was easy for me to locate commonly used
files. I've been using Word with SP3 for a while now and can only access up
to 9 documents from the drop down menu only. So I spend a good part of each
day searching for documents using the search program in explorer. I have to
remember what I named the document, remember a word in the document, or when
it was modified. It's a HUGE waste of my time every day. Is there a setting I
can change to display 100 or more documents, or an add-on program to it works
like the Works program?. Thanks for you help.


For years I used MSWorks and there was an interface that allowed me to
view hundreds of my last documents. It was easy for me to locate
commonly used files. I've been using Word with SP3 for a while now and
can only access up to 9 documents from the drop down menu only. So I
spend a good part of each day searching for documents using the search
program in explorer. I have to remember what I named the document,
remember a word in the document, or when it was modified. It's a HUGE
waste of my time every day. Is there a setting I can change to display
100 or more documents, or an add-on program to it works like the Works
program?. Thanks for you help.

Have no idea what your OS is?

Open Windows Explorer,
Navigate to "C:\Documents and Settings\Your name\Recent
select file

Another option is the "Copernic Desktop Tool" (FREE), which you configure
(build index)to the folder ONLY (NOT your entire computer) of your
Upon learning to use this tool?
You'll regret not having it earlier.


Sorry, running XP. Of course I open explorer, navigate to "C:\Documents and
Settings\Your name\" but there in no "Recent." That's where all my documents
located in dozens of folders that I created. But I have dozens of folder and
even more sub-folders. This is my primary business machine and I work on
hundreds of files a week. So as organized as I think I am, I can't remember
every time where I saved a document. That's what I miss about "Worrks." It
had a simple interface where ALL of my recent documents were just a click

I guess I'll try Copernic.


Sorry, running XP. Of course I open explorer, navigate to
"C:\Documents and Settings\Your name\" but there in no "Recent."
That's where all my documents located in dozens of folders that I
created. But I have dozens of folder and even more sub-folders. This
is my primary business machine and I work on hundreds of files a week.
So as organized as I think I am, I can't remember every time where I
saved a document. That's what I miss about "Worrks." It had a simple
interface where ALL of my recent documents were just a click away.

I guess I'll try Copernic.

Perhaps a more reliable solution (especially for business) would be in a
structured directory storage of your files?
It would at least provide you with a consitency in determing location.

Kinda doubt that anybody has a folder strucure which could emulate mine in
sheer numbers or numerous sub-levels.


Perhaps you're right and I need to more structure. But believe me, I'm doing
what I can. I have 15 years worth of documents on my machine and hundreds
more are created each month. I have sub-sub-sub-sub directories! It's just a
shame that a simple interface in MSWorks worked so well that they haven't
intrigrated it into Word. Very weird. In the mean time I've set up Copernic
and I'll see how that works out. Thanks.

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