receive mail with no account setup


Vic & Jen

hi all
got a strange problem, I can receive mail from my main account without
actually setting it up in tools-accounts
I have another account on the server but it has a different password etc
is there anywhere else on my machine that it can be hiding the account
information as I only get my mail not anybody else's.

I have vista and windows mail, my internet is through bigpond ZTE wireless
(automatic setup) which makes me wonder if the auto setup has placed these
email settings somewhere else?

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Contact your ISP. It sounds like some bigpond software you installed also
set-up your default email account in Windows Mail automatically.

Gary VanderMolen

If the account is not visible under Tools, Accounts, then
Windows Mail can't receive any mail for that account.
Are you sure you are actually viewing those emails in Windows Mail?
Perhaps you are viewing via a web page in your browser.

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