problems with internet explorer


Comcast sucks

A few weeks ago a comcast technician installed some adware
on my computer along with the comcast software. I was at
work at the time and my girlfriend didn't understand what
was going on. I uninstalled the software, and since have
been unable to use internet explorer, or any of the
programs that access it. Including windows explorer. I
can only open folders using the "run" feature in the start
menu. I cannot reinstall ie6 because it uses internet
explorer software to find sites for download. does anyone
out there have any suggestions short of a reformat that I
can do to fix this? I am DESPERATE! Please take a few
minutes to help me out. Thanks!

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Reinstall IE by locating the ie.inf file under C:\Windows\Inf and
right-clicking it, choose install.

Me, I'd call comcast and tell them to come fix the mess they made of my
machine, and charge them accordingly for my time.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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