Problem downloading .exe files


Sheila Jones

I think something has changed in the configuration of my Internet Explorer
(version 6). When I navigated to an .EXE file, it used to prompt me to save
the file. But now it just displays the file in the browser and I don't get
a prompt.

Does anybody know what has happened, and how to restore my settings?

Sheila Jones

OK, I've got some more info on this. Here's what seems to be happening:

The file is a CGI-type .EXE and is in an IIS virtual directory. With execute
permissions on the directory set to "Scripts only", IE prompts me to
download the file, as expected.

When I change the directory permissions to "Scripts and Executables", IIS
runs the .exe and I see its results as a web page. Again, as expected.

Now, here's the funny bit. When I change the directory permissions back to
"Scripts only", this time IE displays the .exe file as text (mostly
gibberish, but with strings like "This program cannot be run in DOS mode"
etc.), rather than displaying the download dialog again.

Has anybody else seen this and know how to stop it? Thanks.

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