Please help me with Error 720 Win XP



Has anyone seen this before? The modem dials, verifies
username and password, and the disconnects just as
the "Registering computer on network" dialog appears. It
fails with error 720.

I`ve tested the modem on another computer, no problem.
Installed another modem, same problem: ERROR 720.

Any help would be appreciate
....very desperate :)


Has anyone seen this before? The modem dials, verifies
username and password, and the disconnects just as
the "Registering computer on network" dialog appears. It
fails with error 720.

I`ve tested the modem on another computer, no problem.
Installed another modem, same problem: ERROR 720.

Any help would be appreciate
...very desperate :)


Are these of any help?

You might want to compare the phonebook settings from the other (working)
computer and this (non-working) computer.

Is this experience from dialing your ISP? If so, you might benefit from
involving them.

And Arun, please don't contribute to the spread and success of email address
mining viruses. Learn to munge your email address properly, to keep yourself a
bit safer when posting to open forums. Protect yourself and the rest of the
internet - read this article.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.


If the below doesnt work, I would suggest, format and rebuild your computer.
I spent 3 nights and a total of about 16hrs trying to fix this Error 720
which I got due to applying SP2. I couldn't fix it for my life and i didn't
find any solution on the newsgroup either!

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