Pivot Tables



Hello, I am getting the following error when trying to refresh a pivot table.
Can someone please let me know why this is? I was able to pivot a large
table before. Is there a limit to this?

Also, what are "column fields"?

"Microsoft Excel cannot make this change because there are too many row or
column items. Drag at least one row or column field off the PivotTable, or
to the page position."


Nick Hodge


Here are the limits on Pivot tables (XL2003)

Reports on a sheet - Limited by memory
Unique items per field - 32,500
Row or Column fields - Limited by memory
Page fields - 256 (May be limited by memory)
Data fields - 256
Calculated items - Limited by memory

You can check this yourself in help and type Excel specifications.

I suspect your table is trying to display more than 256 column fields.
These are the fields with column orientation (up and down) and as Excel only
has 256 columns it is easy to exceed this.

It is also possible that you have exceeded the row fields (left to right)
but less likely.

Page fields are ones that are placed in the page field area (top left) or as
shown in the layout wizard as 'page'. Fields dropped here create a
drop-down to select individual items. For example if you drag you
representative ID here and have the sales figures in the main table you can
select a single rep and show just their figures, or maybe sales for a class
of products or even a single item

Persevere, Pivot tables are seldom understood at first sight, but when you
master them they have the greatest 'jaw-dropping' effect.

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

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