


I'm new here, not sure about the details of how to get about! Anyway here's
the story.- I have lots of photos and they are nearly all in a folder which I
keep in 'my documents' Somehow, I have lost a complete batch of these photos.
Searching through some files, I found all of them in a file that said
something like - 'They are not available here but click on this to see all
files' I found all of them and tried to move them to 'my documents'. after
that, I went back to 'my doc's' but they weren't there, and I can not find
them now. I stupidly made no notes of the path I used to either find them or
move them. Since trying to find them, I have completely lost track of what I
have done.
If anyone knows of a way to get the computer to show all photos on the hard
drivbe so that I can choose them and move them to 'my doc's' I would be most
grateful. Either that, of some advice on how to search for them. - I have
tried looking for them with 'Search' but to no avail
Any advice would be gratefully received


colinsp said:
I'm new here, not sure about the details of how to get about! Anyway
here's the story.- I have lots of photos and they are nearly all in a
folder which I keep in 'my documents' Somehow, I have lost a complete
batch of these photos. Searching through some files, I found all of
them in a file that said something like - 'They are not available
here but click on this to see all files' I found all of them and
tried to move them to 'my documents'. after that, I went back to 'my
doc's' but they weren't there, and I can not find them now. I
stupidly made no notes of the path I used to either find them or move
them. Since trying to find them, I have completely lost track of what
I have done.
If anyone knows of a way to get the computer to show all photos on
the hard drivbe so that I can choose them and move them to 'my doc's'
I would be most grateful. Either that, of some advice on how to
search for them. - I have tried looking for them with 'Search' but to
no avail
Any advice would be gratefully received

Try using Start; Search; File and Folders. Or, if you have windows Explorer
open, just click on Search to get the Search dialogs.
Then tell it to look for the extensions of your photo files. If they're
..BMP, for instance, search for *.bmp. Or *.gif, *.png, whatever other
formats you used. *.bmp, BTW, means ALL .bmp files in the folder/s you told
it to look in.
You might want to tell it to look in My Computer so it'll search

After a search or two, you'll probably at least have the paths identified
and can then go directly to them.



Today, =?Utf-8?B?Y29saW5zcA==?= made these interesting comments
I'm new here, not sure about the details of how to get about!
Anyway here's the story.- I have lots of photos and they are
nearly all in a folder which I keep in 'my documents' Somehow,
I have lost a complete batch of these photos. Searching
through some files, I found all of them in a file that said
something like - 'They are not available here but click on
this to see all files' I found all of them and tried to move
them to 'my documents'. after that, I went back to 'my doc's'
but they weren't there, and I can not find them now. I
stupidly made no notes of the path I used to either find them
or move them. Since trying to find them, I have completely
lost track of what I have done.
If anyone knows of a way to get the computer to show all
photos on the hard drivbe so that I can choose them and move
them to 'my doc's' I would be most grateful. Either that, of
some advice on how to search for them. - I have tried looking
for them with 'Search' but to no avail Any advice would be
gratefully received Colinsp

Try a simple "Search" across your entire HD for the likely
extensions for your pictures, e.g., jpg, tif, png, etc. Once
you've found them all, and hopefully they are still there, set up
some folders either under My Documents or someplace else on your
HD that have some logical meaning to you, e.g., where you took
the pictures, subjects, process vs. unprocessed camera images, or
other criteria. Finally, for God's Sake, create a rigorous backup
scheme and get all of your work onto optical or to an external

If My Computer or Windows Explorer doesn't show the file
extensions, you can easily change it so that they do show up.

Back to search, if you've not renamed them, most likely they have
a generic name created by your digital camera, e.g. Nikon files
usually start with DSC and my Canon Rebel XT files start with
IMG. That won't tell you what file is what picture, but at least
you can find them all, IF they've not been blown away somehow.

And, as you take more pictures, always save the unprocessed
images to folders or sub-folders under where the finished product
will be stored. This will ensure that you don't lose any and will
allow you to easily start over should you find your edits not to
your liking.

Finally, invest in a good thumbnail program that helps you to
organize your pictures, or at least try using My Computer or
Windows Explorer in thumbnail view vs. list or details.

I've just given some off-the-cuff ideas, suggest you come back
with more specifics and I'm sure many people will be able to help
you better.


Today, Poprivet made these interesting comments ...
Try using Start; Search; File and Folders. Or, if you have
windows Explorer open, just click on Search to get the Search
Then tell it to look for the extensions of your photo
files. If they're
.BMP, for instance, search for *.bmp. Or *.gif, *.png,
whatever other formats you used. *.bmp, BTW, means ALL .bmp
files in the folder/s you told it to look in.
You might want to tell it to look in My Computer so it'll

When I do simple searches like you describe, I skip the DOS
wildcard characters like ? or * unless I'm looking for something
specific. Other than that, your method is what I use if I somehow
lose track of my graphics files even with my normally good
organization scheme.


I'm new here, not sure about the details of how to get about! Anyway here's
the story.- I have lots of photos and they are nearly all in a folder which I
keep in 'my documents' Somehow, I have lost a complete batch of these photos.

After you get this issue sorted out, please backup all your important
stuff to cd's, dvd's, external hard drive, or somewhere other than
your current hard drive. There are three things in life you can count
on: Death... taxes... and your hard drive WILL fail at some point in

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