Photo CDs



I created CDs of photos and jpg movies by using Windows 'copy this file'.
The CDs are CD-R and not closed. Creation of the CDs was smooth with no
errors or problems. I can view everything on the CDs on my notebook running
XP with all the latest SP updates. I can view the everything on these CDs on
an old computer running ME. But the people I am sending the CDs to can't
view any of the files and the drive shows as empty disk.
Have I done or not done something that makes these files unviewable by
anyone but me? Gosh, I thought putting all these on CD would be soooo
portable but now am just frustrated.


Data CDs work in all PCs
I make all my CD's data CDs
Data in generic the world over

You will find much more info at:

" the irrepressible revolutionist."

Regards, Gary 'Doc' Adams in New Orleans
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